Sunday, November 2, 2014

al-Hayat akh-Rashid Kafir Magic 53 سؤال جرئ 53 السحر في الإسلام


سؤال جرئ 53 السحر في الإسلام


So there are many repetition of Yassoo3 il-Nassari in Coptic churches by the priests to take the evil spirits and illnesses out of the parishoners..

The idiot Rashid says Islam attacks Christianity in al-Quraan so he has the right to attack Islam. The fact al-Quraan does not mention the word Christianity at all. Christianity from Muslim point of view is wrong term because the ones who call them selves Christians do not follow 3essah.

Idiot Rashid does not want Muslims to read al-Fatihah including "ghayro il maghdhoob 3alihom wala il-Dhaleen Ameen".


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Al-Hayat Akh Rashid Daring Question al-Hayat Islam and Christianity Critique

Akh Rashid asks Muslims to examine their religion tooth and nail and in the mean time asks them to embrace Christianity so easilly with no tooth and nail research. His rational is Christ is a cool guy, who loves and will give you an eternal life. Actually it is boring and praying for eternity. Boooooring.

Christian Love  .... ALLAH MAHABAH .... HA HA

al-Daleel Al-Hayat Waheed and Fadwa Rebuttal الدليل 28 تناقضات في القرآن سورة يس 83 ،سورة الكهف

الدليل 28 تناقضات في القرآن سورة يس 83 ،سورة الكهف

Waheed: Why al-Quraan denies the kiilling of Jesus?

Answer: This will bring and open the salvation controversy. The killing of Jesus in Nosraniyah is tied to the original sin and the blood of Jesus washes the SIN. Islam does not recognize this theology.

Waheed: Many prophets were killed by the Jews. What is the problem that Jesus get killed?

Answer: God valued Jesus and did not want him to suffer and get killed.

Question about sun set and alleged answer by Prophet Muhamed.

Now how about Jesus? did he answer? Did Jesus had any knowledge of the universe. As human he became stupid even in il-Nosraniyah he is the one who created the universe.


"He is God, the One God,
Independent and Sought by all;
He begets not, nor is He begotten,
and there is none like unto Him.