Saturday, March 26, 2016

Daring Question to Racheed Hamami sweet shiny apple Adam and Eve

Fellow Racheed ask many questions about Islam and Quraa'n. Now his turn to provide an answer. Why Jesus created the snake that seduced the Adam and Eve couple to disobey the given instruction not to munch on the sweet shiny apple?
Now, the SIN and later he got killed for it?

Friday, March 18, 2016

سؤال جريء 445 من هم الغلمان المخلدون؟

Rachid 7amami argues about the Day after and reward of paradise. He discusses al-Gholman al-Mokhaladoon.

There are no bases at all to discuss about these things. These are promises of God and we have no right to argue about it. No body went there to tell us about it. Such argument about it is stupid and has no bearing about in our daily life or our worship.

Racheed should be more concerned about the tribulation and Jesus coming from the cloud on the horse accompanied with angels. Why he bothers with the Muslim religion when he has thousands times of complicated stuff in his religion. Racheed is a disgusting man.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge to build a home-sized mosque in Liberty Corner is Denied by Nazis New Jersey

BERNARDS TWP., NJ - Just days before the deadline to file, the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge authorized a Manhattan law firm to file an appeal of the Bernards Township Planning Board's denial in December of an application to build a mosque in Liberty Corner.
The hearings on the application to build a mosque of slightly more than 4,000-square-feet on just over four acres of land on a property occupied by an existing home along Church Street drew crowds for almost three years.
Hearing on the ISBR's Proposed Mosque
The hearings on an application by the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge to build a home-sized mosque in Liberty Corner stretched out for about three years.

Daring Question Rachid ... سؤال جريء 444 لماذا خلق الله حور العين؟

It is silly to argue about the unknown, and the Ghaibeyat. It is article of faith and it is taken as such without reasoning.
How about in the NASARAH creed that after resurrection they will souls and be chanting prayers to the lord forever. Will this be boring? Why god wants these folks to pray and praise him for eternity? What is the rational? This would not make sense fellows.

Hostile comments by Arab Nasara

اوسخ واقذر انسان خلقه الله هو محمد

Iraqi Assuri Assyrian

زعلانيين لاننا نعد الناس بالجنة بينا تعدوهم بالجحيم

طيب نحن عندنا جنة والحمد الله وحور عين وكل مايحب الانسان سيجده !!!!!!!!!! انت ماذا عندكم ؟ فقط جحيم مقيم يرمي فيه الانسان ويقضي بقيت عمره وووووووووو هذا ماعندكم ومع ذال الله يحبنا !؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!!! الغريب ان المسيحيين عندم عقدة من النساء لدرجة انهم بدل الزواج والطلاق الذي هو المفروض بين شخصين هم من يحدده صار عندهم غراب لايعرف شيء عن الزواج كل مايعرفه هو انه اصطياد الاطفال في مدارس الاحد وصار هو من يحدد الامر ويجلسوا سنوات حتي يقول لهم عليكم ان تستمروا فيالجحيم ولا طلاق انشالله تكون قرفانيين من بعض !!!!! يا اوغاد انتم حثاله من المعقدين ليس عندكم سوي الجحيم في الدنيا والجحيم في الاخرة هدا كل مالديكم كل اللي مزعلكم اننا نريد ان ندخل السرور عليا لانسان بكلمايحب وما يتمناه !! اما انتم فجحيم هذا مالديكم !!!! وجحيم مقيم !!! حتي الجحيم بتاعنا من اجل تطهير بعض الناس من ماتفعله وتذهب للجنة ما انتم فجحيم فقط لاغير يزعلانيين لاننا نعد الناس بالجنة بينا تعدوهم بالجحيم

💠💠﴿إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما﴾.

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