Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
سؤال جريء 427 لماذا نكره اليهود ؟
سؤال جريء 427 لماذا نكره اليهود ؟
Rasheed is a liar the Moroccan lived with Jews for long centuries in very peaceful relationships.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
وديع فتحي السبب المباشر لإعتناقي الدين الإسلامي
السبب المباشر لإعتناقي الدين الإسلامي
كان هذا الإختلاف الكبير بين صفحات الإنجيل
بعد أن تعلمت في الكنيسه طول أربعين سنه أن الإنجيل موحى به من الله , وكتبه تلاميذ يسوع بوحي من يسوع المسيح شخصياً و بإرشاد من الروح القدس , و أنه لم يتغير منه حرف واحد , و أن المترجمين كانوا ينقلونه حرفاً بحرف .
= و ذات يوم و أنا أقرأ الإنجيل كعادتي , قرأت هذا النص :في ( انجيل يوحنا 3 : 22 ) ( وبعد هذا جاء يسوع وتلاميذه إلى أرض اليهودية ، ومكث معهم هناك ، وكان يعمد ) و النص واضح لا يحتاج لتفسير .أن يسوع كان يعمد اليهود في منطقة اليهوديه , حيث تعمد يسوع على يد يوحنا المعمدان .
= و في الصفحة التاليه وجدت التأكيد على نفس هذا الخبر في ( انجيل يوحنا 4 : 1 ) ( فلما علم الرب أن الفريسيين سمعوا أن يسوع يصير ويعمد تلاميذ أكثر من يوحنا ) و هذا النص فيه تأويل غريب أن ( الرب ) هنا هو ( يسوع ) . ومعناه واضح مثل سابقه و يؤكد نفس المعنى وهو أن يسوع يعمد اليهود .
= ثم فوجئت بالنص التالي بعده في ( انجيل يوحن 4 : 2 ) ( مع أن يسوع نفسه لم يكن يعمد بل تلاميذه ) وهذا النص أيضاً واضح وضوح الشمس أن يسوع لم يكن يعمد الناس , وكل الأناجيل لم تذكر أن يسوع عمد أي إنسان ولا حتى تلاميذه , و هذا غريب جداً !!! فكيف يتعمد يسوع ثم يترك تلاميذه بدون تعميد , مع أنهم يزعمون أن التعميد هو شرط للدخول في دين المسيح ؟؟؟ و كيف يقوم تلاميذه بتعميد الناس بينما هم لم يتعمدوا ؟ هل فاقد الشيء يعطيه ؟؟؟ هذه التساؤلات ثارت في ذهني يومئذ .
= إلا نص واحد في ( انجيل لوقا 7 : 29 ) بعد ما تم سجن يوحنا , وقف المسيح يكلم اليهود حتى أمنوا به ثم كتب الراوي ( وَجَمِيعُ الشَّعْبِ إِذْ سَمِعُوا وَالْعَشَّارُونَ بَرَّرُوا اللهَ مُعْتَمِدِينَ بِمَعْمُودِيَّةِ يُوحَنَّا.) أي اعتمدوا على يد المسيح بالمعموديه التي أسسها يوحنا أو على طريقة يوحنا .
= نعود الى موضوعنا : ذهبت الى القساوسه سائلاً عن هذا التناقض ؟ لعلي أجد تفسيراً مقنعاً لهذا التناقض في انجيل يوحنا , فلم أجد . و قال معظمهم : إقبله كما هو و اّمن و لا تكفر . فانزعجت جداً .
إلا أب إعترافي الذي سخر من إنزعاجي , و قال لي : أتظن أن هذا هو التناقض الوحيد ؟ أنت ساذج . توجد تناقضات كثيره .
= فانهارت ثقتي في ذلك الكتاب المقدس عندي يومئذ .
= وعدت أقرأه بعين فاحصه و أدعو الله أن يريني الحق , فانفتحت عيني و استنارت بصيرتي , و وجدته كتاب مهلهل من التناقضات , و أخذت أدون في هوامشه التناقضات ,و الإساءات لله و لأنبيائه و رسله و للبشر عامة .
و الكلمات التي لا تليق بأي كتاب محترم , فإذا بها لا تحصى .
== و هنا قررت أن أقرأ القراّن بعين فتحصه , أبحث فيه عما تعلمته عنه في الكنيسه من التناقضات و الكلام الجنسي و ما اقتبسه محمد من كتب اليهود و النصارى و ما اختص به محمد نفسه من امتيازات , ولم أجد شيئاً على الإطلاق .
و أسلمت وجهي لله .
و ما زلت كل يوم أحمد الله على نعمة الاسلام و كفى بها نعمه
هذه رساله لكل مسيحي عاقل : ناقشني .
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد
Friday, August 21, 2015
Rasheed and Sheikh Tarek the idiot هل القرآن كلام الله؟ مناظرة بين الشيخ طارق والأخ رشيد
Sheikh Tarek is an idiot and attacks Muslims. He defends Rasheed attacks on Islam. The idiot Kafir Sheikh Tarek is Jerk is propagandist for the Christian ... the Nassarah. Sheikh Tarek go to Jahanam. Trash.
Idiot sheikh Tarek calling Rasheed 7abeeby and akhi Rasheed. My loved and brother Rasheed. The ignorant Tarek ignores Rasheed Muhamed calling Muhamed as the false il nabi il kazab. The liar prophet.
Criminal Sheikh Tarek crying out that Saudia should have churches as in Riadh and elsewhere. Criminal Tarek calling for building churches in Morocco.
Sheikh Tarek is trash, trash, trash, ...
No Muslim should appear on Rasheed show or else show.
No respect for Islam by kafir sharp tongued Rasheed.
So what the false Slain God Jesus knew about astronomy, planets and stars?
Idiot Rasheed teaches Tarek about Astronomy. Why Jesus did not explain what Rasheed teaches about astronomy and comets?
Idiot Sheikh Tarek listens as an idiot.
Criminal Sheikh Tarek (31 minutes) addressing Kafir 7abeeby waqurat 3aini Rasheed. The pupil of my eye.
Sheikh Tarek trash.
minute 32 Akoyah Rasheed.... my brother Rasheed.
Rasheed very impolite , rude, hysteric.
Rasheed criticizes God created billions of stars as waste ... mobazer ... and blamed Qurran and Islam.
Ask Jesus creating billions of stars.
minute 53:38 Sheikh Tarek ... 7abeeby
Sheikh Tarek ... rightly expresses hurt that Rasheed uses te word Kizb lie about QURAAN.
sheikh Tarek calling mr. Samuel ... Fadiliet il-SHEIKH ... Samuel? kissing ???
Rasheed ... attack Aquraan ... if Sheikh makes parallel comparison with the Bible... then Rasheed and the Kafir Samuel admonish him do not talk about the Bible.
Samuel the Jerk ignores 250,000 muslims killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sbrah and Shatilah.
Believing in Islam because it destroyed Trinity the falsehood.
minute 1:11:15 in very rude way Rasheed raising his voice, hysterical.
minute 1:12:15 7abeeby Rasheed by stupid sheikh
minute 1: 20:00 tahakom .... sokhriyah in rude way insulting
Rasheed quotes theBible a lot ... when Sheikh Tarek mentions the bible he got admonished.
Rasheed 1:23:58 Rude ... inta 7atitribni
2 months ago
كل ما اره ان الشيخ المسلم هذا لم يسب ولم يسخر ولم يهين مايعبده هؤلاء ولم يسبه ولم يسب نبيهم ولم يهينه والطرف الاخر كل ماعنده يسب ويشتم ويسخر من اله المسلمين ورسولهم حقيقة عار عليكم النقد والحوار في الاديان لايكون بهذا الشكل اخ رشيد اسلوبك سيئ جدا ومنفر وقذر واسلوب الشيخ اراه فيه نعومة وطراوة ويحدثك بحبيبي وكلامك عسل وانت مصر على الاهانة لدين الاخر وخلاصة الامر ان رب المسلمين ورب اليهود ورب المسيحيين والبوذيين رب واحد اما الالوهية فمختلفه بين الجميع فهناك فرق بين رب وبين اله
Rasheed was never a Muslim.His parents are Muslims, As kid his father took him to mosque.
1:29:25 Rasheed rudely . aaaah ... tahakom.
1:30:50 Samuel Afandi is very rude Magnoon.
Criminal Sheikh Tarek giving opportunity for attackson Islam and becoming asoundboard forattacks.
Stupid Sheikh Tarekh.
minute 1:36:36 Allah is God of devils Shayateen. Thanks Idiot Tarek. Accepting all theseinsults to Islam by Kafir Rasheed.
minute 1:42 :20 Rasheed raises his voice very loud and interrupt.
روعة الصلاة (1)- الملحد السابق - جيفري لانج
1:29:25 Rasheed rudely . aaaah ... tahakom.
1:30:50 Samuel Afandi is very rude Magnoon.
Criminal Sheikh Tarek giving opportunity for attackson Islam and becoming asoundboard forattacks.
Stupid Sheikh Tarekh.
minute 1:36:36 Allah is God of devils Shayateen. Thanks Idiot Tarek. Accepting all theseinsults to Islam by Kafir Rasheed.
minute 1:42 :20 Rasheed raises his voice very loud and interrupt.
روعة الصلاة (1)- الملحد السابق - جيفري لانج
الأخ رشيد,
مناظرة الشيخ طارق `,
هل القرآن كلام الله.
سؤال جريء 412 لماذا يصوم المسلمون؟
Kafir Rasheed 7amamy describes the Muslims who fast as having NITIN dirty breath ,,, Ra`i7ah nitna.
During the program he attacks the month of fasting fiercely. The guy ignores that Ramadhan is one of the most loved month in the Muslim calendar. They wait for this month all year round.
Kafir Rasheed eat your heart out.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
لماذا تركت الأسلام وأمنت بالمسيح؟ - أنا مش كافر
In this video the caller says I realized that Muhamed is a liar, criminal, Mogrim and deceiver, Khada`3.
Rasheed kept the insult on his program.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Akh Rasheed il Saleeb Insulting Language of Hayat Daring Question
Akh Rasheed il Saleeby uses insulting language at Hayat to hurt the Muslim's feelings. As an example he refers to Prophet Muhamed frequently as il-nabi il kazab or in English the fake liar prophet.
Muslims can not insult back his Jesus to get even.
Muslims can not insult back his Jesus to get even.
الأكاذيب سؤال جريء 401 ثماني سنوات وأربعمائة حلقة,
Rasheed Hamami il kafir starts the program with a blatant lie. He says he celebrates 8 years of his programs that deals with issues related to religion and specially with the Islamic religion. A liar the program does not discuss issues related to religion but but exclusively Islam and sordid hateful attacks.
Two lies.
Discuss religion
Specially Islam ... only Islam except one or two programs with a Buddist or Hindu.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Sunday, July 5, 2015
هل القرآن كلام الله؟ مناظرة بين الشيخ طارق والأخ رشيد
Kafir Moshrik Rasheed al-Saleeby shows bad manners.
1:44 Moshrik Rasheed speaks very rudely and raising his voice.
When Sheikh Tarek brings to the attention that Jesus cursed the fig tree Kafir Rsheed claim that the cursein Islam and so called Christianity.
1:46 The kafir is Very rude and behaves with rudeness.
Moshrik Rasheed gives himself the right to interpret Quraan but refuses that Sheikh Tareq to interpret Quraan.
Sheikh Tareq is an idiot telling Kafir Rasheed I love you. A7ebak. Ghabi and stupid. He insults Islam and use call naming.
1:52 Rasheed interupts.
1:53 Sheikh Tareq calling Moshrik Kafir Rasheed Akhi 7abeebi. idiot Sheikh Tareq tellink the KAFIR Rasheed You Are My Brother and Dear, Trash from mouth ofSheikh Tareq.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
سؤال جرئ 8 مسيحيون من خلفية إسلامية : الأخ علي
حوار نــاري مع د وجدي غنيم فضح الكاذب المدلس إسلام البحيري
Ever Lasting Life. What form of life? Please!
7ad il-Ridah was very critical for early history of Islam during Prophet Muhammad. Al-Mortedeen presented very danger on Islam more dangerous than al-Kuffar.
Prophet Muhamed was victorious. No body can re-write history.
Akh Ali sayshe will go to jannah directly. Christianity there is no paradise but to be near Christ. Imagine 10 billions near Jesus. all singing together near saints. WoW.
Mr. Aly still keep a muslim name. He says Jesus listens to every one realy? Bogus.
Idiot says that for 20 years he worshiped an idol towards Mecca. How this? this idiot
Idiot Ali telling Muslims to use their brain to know the true God. Oh to believe god who takes human form? idiot, idiot, idiot.
رشيد سؤال جرئ 49 مسيحيون من خلفية إسلامية : الأخت أمانى,
Amany Mustafa the Kafir could not find Christian name still Mustafa.
infinity + infinity + infinity = infinity Rasheed.
1+ 1 +1 = 3 Muslims
the kafirs can not figureit out.
Women Equality Amany kafir she has to go all the way to Adam and Eve and a symbolic story, Vanity or People Magazine.
Rasheed Kafir smiles and laughs as a Muslim caller defends Islam. A total disrespect.
For respect of women and their rights Amany Kafir bring the story of the woman prostiute as example of respect. Realy? Realy?
Rasheed calls for research to find the truth ... i.e. Christianity. NO. The basics are enough. God has a son No.
God let his son get killed No.
God get beaten up. No.
Then Islam is the answer.
Monday, June 29, 2015
سؤال جرئ 133 الإسلام وخدعة التوحيد رشيد
Kafir Rasheed al-Saleeby who insists to use a Muslim name for attracting naieve Muslim viewers claim that to be Christian is to have Christian life and unlike Islam to be Muslim just proclaim that there is no God but only one Allah with no trapping of things like the trinity and the believe that Muhamed is the apostle of God.
This is false proposition of the crusader fanatic so called Rasheed. Being true Muslim you have to live according to Islam virtues and the daily prayers among other things. If you do bad things and still believe in Islam Shahada ten you are just bad Muslim.
Saleebi Trinitarian Rasheed Bolous Boulos has prayers for liseners to accept Christ then he congratulate them they have become Christians.
Kafir Rasheed Bolous Boulosis master of deception and lies.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
سؤال جريء 409ماذا قال العظماء عن محمد رسول الله؟ رشيد
The impostor ignores negative books about Jesus. Why the church leaders ignore these books.
This program 409 has lot of repeat of earlier shows.
Shaw did not shrink from controversy on religious matters, and it is conceivable he made such statements, but they do seem a bit extreme even for him, and uncharacteristic in endorsing any one particular tradition.
One of them could allude to Shaw's character Hotchkiss in Getting Married (1908) stating: "I believe the whole British Empire will adopt a reformed Mohammedanism before the end of the century.
The character of Mahomet is congenial to me. I admire him, and share his views of life to a considerable extent."
but the same character goes on to say "Religion is a great force — the only real motive force in the world; but what you fellows dont understand is that you must get at a man through his own religion and not through yours. Instead of facing that fact,
you persist in trying to convert all men to your own little sect, so that you can use it against them afterwards.
You are all missionaries and proselytizers trying to uproot the native religion from your neighbor's flowerbeds and plant your own in its place. You would rather let a child perish in ignorance than have it taught by a rival sectary. You can talk to me of the quintessential equality of coal merchants and British officers; and yet you cant see the quintessential equality of all the religions."
So called Rasheed..What is his Nosrani name? ??? is Insan Mawtoor.
Pascal lived in hysterical period of Europe dark ages.
ماذا قال العظماء عن محمد رسول الله
The impostor ignores negative books about Jesus. Why the church leaders ignore these books.
This program 409 has lot of repeat of earlier shows.
Shaw did not shrink from controversy on religious matters, and it is conceivable he made such statements, but they do seem a bit extreme even for him, and uncharacteristic in endorsing any one particular tradition.
One of them could allude to Shaw's character Hotchkiss in Getting Married (1908) stating: "I believe the whole British Empire will adopt a reformed Mohammedanism before the end of the century.
The character of Mahomet is congenial to me. I admire him, and share his views of life to a considerable extent."
but the same character goes on to say "Religion is a great force — the only real motive force in the world; but what you fellows dont understand is that you must get at a man through his own religion and not through yours. Instead of facing that fact,
you persist in trying to convert all men to your own little sect, so that you can use it against them afterwards.
You are all missionaries and proselytizers trying to uproot the native religion from your neighbor's flowerbeds and plant your own in its place. You would rather let a child perish in ignorance than have it taught by a rival sectary. You can talk to me of the quintessential equality of coal merchants and British officers; and yet you cant see the quintessential equality of all the religions."
So called Rasheed..What is his Nosrani name? ??? is Insan Mawtoor.
Pascal lived in hysterical period of Europe dark ages.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Question to Al-Hayat Television Akh Rasheed Number 1
How many times Mr. Rasheed Abo-Saleeb you were slapped on your right cheek and you turned your left cheek to be slapped on again?
You brag much about how much great is your al-Millah il-Nosraniyah.
You brag much about how much great is your al-Millah il-Nosraniyah.
Friday, May 29, 2015
سؤال جريء 408 صدمة المسلمين في الشيخ عدنان إبراهيم
Kafir Rasheed attack on Sheikh Adnan Ibrahim
There is no "Sadmah".Who told the Kafir Rasheed such information.
There is no "Sadmah".Who told the Kafir Rasheed such information.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
The Quraan Koran
Friday, May 22, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
سؤال جرئ 361 خير أمة أخرجت للناس ..الأكاذيب رشيد
..سؤال جرئ 361 خير أمة أخرجت للناس ..الأكاذيب رشيد
The best nation raised up for people is telling Muslims the way
follow the righteous and forbid the evil. This is the recipe if you do that you will be the best nation ommah..
Rasheed lies and says Muslims worship ignorance and illiteracy. because Muhamed was called al-Nabbi il Ommiy
Prophet Muhamed says seek knowkledge even if you need to go as far as China.
Jesus Speaks Moroccan Darja Akh Rasheed Al-Hayat
In Akh Rasheed program a Moroccan Woman said she became Nosraniyah Christian after Jesus came in person and touched her and spoke with her in Darja.
So Jesus speaks in hundred of world languages and thousands of dialects. Wow.
So when Jesus appears to her only when she is alone. Weired.
Now when he was with her he ignores the prayers of millions who are requesting his help and they are sick.
Will next hour will he go to China to meet another one and half hour later he will go to Rio De Janeiro.
Who will take care of the Universe ? His father?
Did Fatee7a give him a kiss and Baklava, sweets and cup of tea and then go to bathroom?
So Jesus speaks in hundred of world languages and thousands of dialects. Wow.
So when Jesus appears to her only when she is alone. Weired.
Now when he was with her he ignores the prayers of millions who are requesting his help and they are sick.
Will next hour will he go to China to meet another one and half hour later he will go to Rio De Janeiro.
Who will take care of the Universe ? His father?
Did Fatee7a give him a kiss and Baklava, sweets and cup of tea and then go to bathroom?
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Learning the Morocca Accent سؤال جرئ 406 شهادتان من المغرب
So Jesus speaks in hundred of world languages and thousands of dialects. Wow.
So when Jesus appears to her only when she is alone. Weired.
Now when he was with her he ignores the prayers of millions who are requesting his help and they are sick.
Will next hour will he go to China to meet another one and half hour later he will go to Rio De Janeiro.
Who will take care of the Universe ? His father?
Did Fatee7a give him a kiss and Baklava, sweets and cup of tea and then go to bathroom?
Thursday, May 7, 2015
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