Saturday, February 28, 2015

Daring Question Akh Rachid al-Hayat TVسؤال جرئ 396 الأزهر ونشر التطرف

Idiot Rachid claims Muslims name calling and insulting Christians because they say the ones who believe God Third of three are kafirs

. Idiot Rachid:  This is in Quraan and Islam basis.

This nothing to do with Name Calling

Do idiot Rachid want Muslims to edit al-Quraan? or not read the ones who believe that God is third of three are KAFIRS in Quraan..

So Christians add to your Bibles Muslims are unbelievers. This will be fun..


Purity, Simplicity & Balance by Dr. Ingrid Mattson

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Wa7eed Waheed is Fanatic Nosrani Motashadid AL-Hayat al-Daleel

Waheed this guy calling for no divorce except for adult according to his man made God Jesus.

قصة سيدنا محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام

Coptism Religion

الخطيه الاصليه 
الصلب والفداء 
التجسد والحلول 
القيامه المزعومه 
الوهية يسوع 
النقد النصي للعهدين 
تحقيق شخصية كتاب الاسفار 
