Thursday, May 29, 2014

سؤال جرئ 188 تقديم وعرض لكتاب معضلة القرآن

Stop idiots calling A7bi'anneh il Mosleemen. No need to your love you Kafir, Shitan.


 No need for any more study. God is one with no father or son. Done.

Idiot Kafir Abdel-Fadi. In earlier program Kafir Rachid from Douklah Morocco was making fun that Muslims are slaves to God while So called Christians are free. He attacked Muslims use names such as Abd-Allah or Abd-il-Raheem. Now why this idiot on this program is called ABD- el-Fadi,

بعد سقوط الدولة الاسلامية فيها عام 1492 للميلاد هب المسيحيين بزعامة الاساقفة وارباب الدين المسيحي للقضاء على كل ما هو مسلم في الاندلس ومحو الهوية الاسلامية للان...دلس
قام النصارى الصليبيين بإجبار المسلمين على الدخول في دينهم ، وصارت الأندلس كلها نصرانية ، ولم يبق فيها من يقول: لا إله إلا الله ، محمد رسول الله . إلا من يقولها في قلبه
منع اي شخص من النطق بالعربية في الأندلس فأمر بجمع كل ما يستطاع جمعه من المصاحف وكتب العلم والفقه والحديث وأحرقت في ميدان عام
بدأت محاكم التفتيش نشاطها الوحشي المروع ,كان اعضاء المحاكم يتفنون بابشع انواع التعذيب بحق المسلمين التي لم يعرف التاريخ مثيلا لها وتستحق العقوبة لاقل فعل يشير الى الارتباط بالاسلام فلو ان رجلا تطيب يوم الجمعة وهو من مستحبات صلاة الجمعة عند المسلمين فهو مرتد ويجب تطهيره من كفره بعقوبة من العقوبات المقررة عندهم
تم تحويل المساجد إلى كنائس ثم جمع من بقى من الفقهاء وأهل العلم وتم إجبارهم على التنصر، فوافق البعض مكرهاً وأبى الباقون فقتلوا شر قتلة، وكان التمثيل بجثث القتلى جرس إنذار لباقي المسلمين إما التنصير وإما الموت والقتل والتنكيل وسلب الأموال والممتلكات
عند التبليغ عن مسلم أنه يخفي إسلامه ، يزج به في السجن وكانت السجون مظلمة عميقة رهيبة ، تغص بالحشرات والجرذان ، يقيد فيها المتهمون بالأغلال بعد مصادرة أموالهم ، لتدفع نفقات سجهنم . ومن أنواع التعذيب ، إملاء البطن بالماء حتى الاختناق ، وربط يدي المتهم وراء ظهره ، وربطه بحبل فوق راحته وبطنه ورفعه وخفضه معلقاً ، سواء بمفرده أو مع أثقال تربط معه ، والأسياخ المحمية ، وسحق العظام بآلات ضاغطة ، تمزيق الأرجل وفسخ الفك و التمشيط بأمشاط الحديد
و حرق المسلمين وهم أحياء ويؤخذ الرجل فيحفر له في الأرض فيجعل فيها ثم يؤتى بالمِنْشار فيوضع عَلَى رأسه فيجعل نصفين و تقطع الأعضاء بواسطة الأدوات الحادة


بعد سقوط الدولة الاسلامية فيها عام 1492 للميلاد هب المسيحيين بزعامة الاساقفة وارباب الدين المسيحي للقضاء على كل ما هو مسلم في الاندلس ومحو الهوية الاسلامية للان...

قام النصارى الصليبيين بإجبار المسلمين على الدخول في دينهم ، وصارت الأندلس كلها نصرانية ، ولم يبق فيها من يقول: لا إله إلا الله ، محمد رسول الله . إلا من يقولها في قلبه

منع اي شخص من النطق بالعربية في الأندلس فأمر بجمع كل ما يستطاع جمعه من المصاحف وكتب العلم والفقه والحديث وأحرقت في ميدان عام

بدأت محاكم التفتيش نشاطها الوحشي المروع ,كان اعضاء المحاكم يتفنون بابشع انواع التعذيب بحق المسلمين التي لم يعرف التاريخ مثيلا لها وتستحق العقوبة لاقل فعل يشير الى الارتباط بالاسلام فلو ان رجلا تطيب يوم الجمعة وهو من مستحبات صلاة الجمعة عند المسلمين فهو مرتد ويجب تطهيره من كفره بعقوبة من العقوبات المقررة عندهم

تم تحويل المساجد إلى كنائس ثم جمع من بقى من الفقهاء وأهل العلم وتم إجبارهم على التنصر، فوافق البعض مكرهاً وأبى الباقون فقتلوا شر قتلة، وكان التمثيل بجثث القتلى جرس إنذار لباقي المسلمين إما التنصير وإما الموت والقتل والتنكيل وسلب الأموال والممتلكات

عند التبليغ عن مسلم أنه يخفي إسلامه ، يزج به في السجن وكانت السجون مظلمة عميقة رهيبة ، تغص بالحشرات والجرذان ، يقيد فيها المتهمون بالأغلال بعد مصادرة أموالهم ، لتدفع نفقات سجهنم . ومن أنواع التعذيب ، إملاء البطن بالماء حتى الاختناق ، وربط يدي المتهم وراء ظهره ، وربطه بحبل فوق راحته وبطنه ورفعه وخفضه معلقاً ، سواء بمفرده أو مع أثقال تربط معه ، والأسياخ المحمية ، وسحق العظام بآلات ضاغطة ، تمزيق الأرجل وفسخ الفك و التمشيط بأمشاط الحديد
و حرق المسلمين وهم أحياء ويؤخذ الرجل فيحفر له في الأرض فيجعل فيها ثم يؤتى بالمِنْشار فيوضع عَلَى رأسه فيجعل نصفين و تقطع الأعضاء بواسطة الأدوات الحادة

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

سؤال جرئ 104 قصة سليمان بين القرآن والكتاب : الجزء الأول

سؤال جرئ 104 قصة سليمان بين القرآن والكتاب : الجزء الأول

Tweet tweet: the language of birds

The “bird language” or “Green language” is an intriguing system of codes, practiced by some traditions. But what lies at its origins – and could its origin actually not be a language, but what many termed the original method of communication? Philip Coppens

The “language of birds” has many names; some call it the “Language of the Gods”, others the “Green language”. Michael Sells has referred to this “sacred language” as the “language of unsaying”, whereby the core of what needs to be said, is actually not said, though everyone understands what is being said.
The “language of birds” is therefore the mystical language, by default an unpopular subject amongst scholars, specifically because of the apparent lack of “clarity”: a clear and distinct sense. The sense is inferred. And whereas this may be possible to map in extant languages, when it comes to extinct languages, or even extant languages the way they were spoken in the past, grasping this “undefined core sense” is not an easy task.
The link with green – as in the Green Language – as the colour of alchemy is never far away, specifically as alchemy is equally “obscure” in its words. Alchemy is not so much obscure in what it tried to do; even when it is clear that the process described is chemical in nature, the substances themselves are difficult if not impossible to identify. Birds are also present in alchemy, specifically the phoenix that rises from its own ashes. But a peacock, the pelican, the white swan and the black crow all feature in alchemy. Birds in general represented the element air, but at the same time, their flight was identical to the ascension to heaven. The phoenix also incorporated the element fire, thus portraying the union of two elements and its transformative – regenerative – outcome.

What is “bird language”? On first inspection, it would be the language that the birds use to communicate amongst themselves. It is a language the birds understand, but we humans do not. Largely, it is a system of human communication, which has been around for a very long time, but which is ill-understood. Then again: the ability not to be understood unless by those who were initiated into the language was actually its purpose. Fulcanelli stated that the alchemists had to resort to this means in order to obscure from one that which was to be disclosed to the other. To many, the language of birds is therefore nothing more or less than a series of secret codes and phrases, which pass by in daily conversation, except for those with ears that “hear”. The most famous example of this today are certain key words, learned amongst Masons. Each group and grade of Masons has their own specific keywords, which are largely unrecognisable when spoken in daily conversation. Some of these expressions have nevertheless become part of normal parlance. One Masonic expression is “to give someone the third degree”, referring to the strenuous initiation a third degree mason had to undergo. This, together with a series of handshakes and other signals, identify a person and his role – whereby a non-Mason sitting in on the conversation may be totally unaware of what is going on.
English is largely void of a “green nature”, whereas French seems to be full of it. The words “L’hasard” – coincidence – and “Lazare” – Lazarus – are pronounced identically. But in certain conversations, people will play with these two words, and ask whether it is “L’hasard” or “Lazare”, whereby it is interpreted that “Lazare” is no coincidence at all. Anyone not “in” on the conversation will be completely bewildered and will not understand.
In the final outcome, it is nevertheless clear that Masonic and the “green language” as present in French is more a system of codes than a specific “language”. If anything, they seem to be only remains of what was once perhaps a vast system of knowledge.

Some have described the “language of birds” as “the tongue of Secret Wisdom. Its vocabulary is myth. Its grammar is symbolism.” They argue that the development of the written language and the language of birds go hand in hand. According to the Fables of Caius Juliius Hyginus, the god Mercury (the Greek Hermes) invented the alphabet by watching cranes, because "cranes make letters as they fly". The Egyptian god of writing is Thoth, and his animal is actually a bird: the ibis. For the Egyptians, hieroglyphics therefore was the language of birds – and one often recurring hieroglyph is a bird itself.
Hieroglyphics is a symbolic system of writing. Some have argued that hieroglyphs were indeed the “sacred – secret – language” of the Gods, specifically because they were symbols – and the Egyptians only used them within a religious setting. Though they were an alphabet, it is felt that at some point, the symbol itself had a meaning, which is now lost. What Champollion was able to decode, was only the basest of its nature – and no-one has since been able to fathom its deepest meaning.

The origin of the “bird language” may go back to primitive societies. When shamans enter a trance, they attempt to speak the language of nature; they are said to speak “the language of birds”. Historians of religion have documented this phenomenon around the entire world and depictions of shamans with wings or as a bird are common.
One biblical example is King Solomon. Solomon was told that he would “be able to understand the language of the birds and beasts… Then Solomon woke up from his dream. He wondered if God had really spoken to him or whether it had been a spirit beguiling him in his dreams. Then he heard the birds squawking and twittering to each other in his garden below. He heard one suddenly cry out, ‘Silly birds — stop all this noise! Don't you know that the God has just given Solomon the ability to understand what we say and to make us do as he wishes!’”

In these societies, bird language is usually learnt by eating snake or some other magical animal. These animals can reveal the secrets of the future because they are thought to be receptacles for the souls of the dead or epiphanies of the gods. The birds are psychopomps, as birds were believed to undertake the ecstatic journey to the sky and beyond; they made the voyage to the Otherworld. Equally, serpents were said to be able to understand the language of birds.
In Christian tradition, some saints are said to have communicated with the animals, whereas the exploits of St Patrick in Ireland, which involves both flight and snakes, clearly have the saint following in the footstep of the “Celtic shamans”. Still, Robert Temple has argued that this “language of birds” was in essence a large con, practiced by the oracles of the ancient world. He argues that the “language of birds” was in fact a form of communication: birds were used as messenger services, as they would be throughout history, until the advent of modern means of communication. The ancient Greek world would use them to dispatch information across the nation, whereby the oracles were the first to receive this information. Therefore, Temple claims, what they prophesized was not so much “Otherworldly”, but merely information from elsewhere in this world, dispatched by “express pigeon”, to give the oracles the semblance of psychic ability.

Most authors, including Andrew Collins, in From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race, argue that the origins of the association of the bird and the shaman should be sought within the anthropological realm. He and others have shown that shamans often dressed up as a bird, or used the feathers of a bird to resemble a bird. From a man dressed with feathers to an angel is a small step. Furthermore, the link between the shaman and the bird occurs specifically because in a trance, the shaman is said to be able to fly – like angels.

But the connection goes beyond this. In the tenth Homiliarum in Ezcechielem, Gregory the Great compared the music of the angels, heard in the heavenly spheres, to birds’ singing. This was then encapsulated in the “Gregorian chants” that became famous throughout the Christian world – and which continue to lure people to churches.
Still, the angels were said not to speak; like birds, they articulated sounds in the air. At the same time, the sound that was produced was not their mode of communication; angels – like shamans – were believed to be psychic – they only required thoughts to communicate; there was no need for a “language” and the “music of the spheres” was merely the outcome; in short, music had to be dissociated from its lyrics, for in origin, music was either felt to be instrumental, or “Gregorian”.

People who are fluent in several languages – including many autistic people – know that thinking often occurs in symbols. They will see an apple, but need to scan their brain for the word, sometimes in all languages, some only in a few. Learning to speak is exactly that: the process by which we associate words with shapes. “Apple.” “House.” “Car.” Words such as “altruistic” or “disingenuous” only come about at a much later state; not because they are more difficult, but because they themselves require a definition that is based on other words.
So where does this leave the language of birds? Some argue that modern languages are a diminutive form of an original, “non-linguistic language”, which is precisely the origin of the “language of birds”. It echoes the story of the Tower of Babel and the scattering of the tongues. It is therefore an interesting phenomenon to note that English, which is a very basic language when compared to other extinct and extant forms of verbal communication, is making major inroads in uniting the world once again in a common tongue. Some have even joked that we are getting God back on the Tower of Babel.
So where does this leave the language of birds? Was it indeed a communication of symbols – whereby the core needs to be divined, and remains elusive, unless “understood”? Does it underline the old distinction between “hearing” and “understanding”? Was hieroglyphics an attempt to bring down into the material world this “divine language”, whereby symbols were transformed into letters – whereby we are now no longer able to grasp their core meanings? Birds in the Egyptian alphabet include the Egyptian vulture, the owl and the quail chick. As such, each played a part in the divine utterances of the Egyptian gods, and their message to the nation. But it was the Bennu bird's cry at the creation of the world that marked the beginning of time… for the Egyptians, the primeval scream was that of a bird…

Birds in the Quran: Hoopoe

by Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph. D.
Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc.
7102 W. Shefford Lane
Louisville, KY 40242-6462, USA


The word bird has been mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an 5 times and the word birds occurs in the Noble Qur’an 13 times. Among the birds, the HOOPOE (hud-hud in Arabic) bird has been specifically mentioned in Surah # 27, An-Naml, twice in the following manner:

And he sought among the birds and said: How is it that I see

not the hoopoe, or is he among the absent?

Surah 27: 20(Ayah)

But the Hoopoe tarried not far: he compassed (territory) which thou has not compassed and I have come to thee from Saba with tidings true.

Surah 27: 22(Ayah}

The hoopoe (hud-hud) is an elegant bird, which is related to the hornbill. It gets its unusual name from its shrill call of “hoops, which rings clear and far and is repeated two or three times. Often the cry is cut off very short. This may be caused by the bird’s bill sharply striking the ground at the end of note. It is one of Old World nonpasserine birds. Its scientific name is “Upupaepops” (family Upupidae, of the roller order, Coraciiformes). King—fishers, bee—eaters, rollers, hoopoes and hornbills are collectively referred to a roller—like birds. There are about seven species of hoopoe. It is a widely distributed bird of British Isles, Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. It exists in the temperate and tropical regions of the Old World. This is a small bird about 12 inches long, the size of a large thrush or mynah, and has short legs with heavy feet and powerful claws. It has a handsome erectile semicircular crest (large crown of feathers tipped with black that constantly opens and closes on the head). This crest of black tipped feathers on the head is the most striking feature of the Hoopoe (hud-hud). It is colored fawn or cinnamon with black and white stripes on the back, wings and tail. The upper part of its body is a pale brown, with wings of black striped with white. The underparts are buff, streaked with black. The black tail has one broad stripe of white. These bands are clearly seen when the bird is in flight. The short legs it has are well adapted for walking. The tail too is not very long, black with a white central bar. The beak is long, slender and slightly down curved. It is long and fanshaped with feathers that increase in length from front to back. When feeding, the crest is closed. When alarmed or excited, the crest is unfurled and opens out like a fan.

The hoopoe’s (hud-hud) call is soft and musical, repeated every couple of seconds. Because of this sound it makes the bird got its name in many languages. For example in English it becomes ‘hoopoe’, in Persian and Urdu it is “hud”.

Hoopoes (hud-hud) are usually found in open areas far away from the patches of vegetation or habitation. They can most often be seen singly, sometimes in pairs. The hoopoe walks and runs with ease, as it feeds almost entirely on the ground. The hoopoe walks with quick steps, bobbing its head in time with the steps and pausing to probe with its long bill in the ground and in crevices, in search of large arthropods and small vertebrates. Its flight is strong and direct. When perched, it may quietly flash its long crest open and shut. Lawns, paths and manure heaps are favorite spots as they provide ample food for this bird. It feeds mainly on insects and other small invertebrates found about decaying organic matter. It also feeds on insect larva, spiders, centipedes and earthworms. The long pointed beak acts like a pair of forceps, fishing prey out of cracks and fissures. As it dashes along, it snatches up insects and worms in its long bill. Before the insect is eaten, it is beaten on the ground to remove the hard covering and appendages like legs and wings. The bird then tosses up its prey and skillfully catches it in its open beak.

The bird can soar quite high to escape birds of prey. But by and large it prefers to fly just above the ground. The hoopoe prefers the ground to the sky, The hoopoe does not build a nest in the trees. However it utilizes dark holes in trees or cavities in wall or roofs, soil banks or cliffs as nests. An untidy collection of grass, straw, hair and leaves deposited on the floor of the holes makes up the nest. Most of the nests can be found in April and May in Asia. Six to nine eggs are laid on the debris by the female who alone incubates them for 16-19 days. During this period she does not leave the nest and is fed by the male. After the chicks hatch, the mother continues to keep them warm for another eight days. The nestlings remain in the nest for 2-26 days.

When threatened by a bird of prey, the hoopoe flattens itself against the ground and spreads its tail and wings. The head is thrown back and the bill points straight up. Whatever this indicates, it does seem to discourage potential enemies. Hoopoes (hud-hud) are found in almost all parts of Asia, even in cities and towns where there are few open spaces left.

Prophet Solomon was a king and the ruler of Syria and Palestine whose armies consisted of troops made of men and Jinns and birds. It is possible that the birds were employed for communicating the messages, hunting and for other suitable services.

In the Qur’an (27:20) we read that Prophet Solomon reviewed his birds and found Hoopoe (hud-hud) missing. His most mobile arm was the birds, who were light on the wing and flew and saw everything like efficient scouts. Prophet Solomon expresses his anger and his desire to punish Hoopoe severely if he does not present himself before Prophet Solomon with a reasonable excuse. Within a short while Hoopoe returns and says, “ I have obtained knowledge of things which you have no knowledge. I have brought sure information about Saba (a well known rich people of southern Arabia, now the present day Yemen. Their capitol city was Ma’rib which lay about 55 miles to the north­east of Sana, the present capitol of Yemen). There I have seen a woman ruling over her people: she has been given all sorts of provisions, and she has a splendid throne. I saw that she and her people prostrate themselves before the sun, instead of Allah.!"

Prophet Solomon said, “We shall just now see whether what you say is true, or that you are a liar. Take this letter of mine and cast it before them; then get aside and see what reaction they show.” Qur’an, 27: 27-28.

Here ends the role of Hoopoe (hud-hud). Some people have interpreted that Hoopoe (hud-bud) was the name of a man and not bird. Because a bird could not possibly be endowed with such powers of observation, discrimination and expression that it should pass over a country and should come to know that it is the land of Saba, it has such and such a system of government, it is ruled by a certain woman (Bilquis), its religion is sun-worship, that it should have worshipped One God instead of having gone astray, and then on its return to Prophet Solomon it should so clearly make a report of all its observations before him. The counter argument is that inspite of great advances in science and technology, man cannot tell with absolute certainty what powers and abilities the different species of animals and their different individuals have got? Man has not so far been able to know through any certain means what different animals know and what they see and hear, and what they feel and think and understand, and know how the mind of each one of them works. Yet, whatever little observation has been made of the life of the different species of animals, it has revealed some of their wonderful abilities. Now, when Allah, Who is the Creator of these animals, tells us that He had taught the speech of the birds to one of His Prophets and blessed him with the ability to speak to them, and the Prophet’s taming and training had so enabled a Hoopoe (hud-hud) that it could make certain observations in the foreign lands and could report them to the Prophet, then the above said interpreters should be prepared to revise their little knowledge about the animals in the light of Allah’s statement. Books such as “When Elephants Weep” and other books on Dogs, Cats, Ants throw light on animal intelligence, thinking and behavior.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Rachid family in Doukkala- Morocco

Rachid: I grew in a conservative family in Dokkala, 90 kilometers away from Casablanca. My father is an Imam, and he learned the Quran by heart. I majored in comparative religious studies abroad. I am married to a Moroccan Christian woman and I have three children. My story with Christianity started when I was at Junior high school while listening to an international program on Radio. I began writing to the program in the hope to defend Islam through some Quranic verses that I memorized with the help of my father. The correspondence lasted four years during which I studied several books and readings related to Islamic and Christian doctrines. I also read about famous converted Muslims. I then decided to convert to Christianity.

سؤال جرئ 110 مسيحيون من خلفية إسلامية : الأخ عادل

سؤال جرئ 110 مسيحيون من خلفية إسلامية : الأخ عادل

The program is bogus.

Jesus is an invented man-made God. So sweet and cuddly.

No evidence that Jesus loves any one.

Millions of Christians died in Europe during the black plague. Jesus did not show any care and the people died horribly.

Mr. Adel may be a Coptic man.

He talked for 45 minutes face to face with Jesus in the church. A big liar.

A7san taqweem ila Asfal Safileen. Heh after youth with all vigour to old age and incapicity then rotten Corpse.

Sifr il Inshad سؤال جرئ 108 مناقشة سفر نشيد الأنشاد

Aside all the Garbage explanations by garbage dogs Rashid Girgis, Waheed the devil, Shaikh sick in the head and the Pig Morkus ,,, Nasheed al Inshad is very erotic and sexually arousing,

Saturday, May 24, 2014

سؤال جرئ 231 قناة الحياة حصاد ثمان سنوات


When the clown Armanios (Rasheed) was asked about Jesus whether he is God or Son of God he went into convoluted answer and then suggested to refer to earlier programs.

The clown brain washed man always refer to Islam as the Darkness Islam.

He concur with a caller for the end of Islam and in the future people will ask what is Islam as something of the past. This guy is a Jerk.

سؤال جرئ 227 مخطوطات العهد الجديد


Very tricky program.

Al-Ta7reef alternation and the fixing is in the alteration of the recounts and the quotings of Jesus like I am the truth ,,, or implications who saw him saw God,
The alteration is also through transcribing one manuscript to another by altering the words to indicate more and more the divinity of Christ.

Despite all that there is lot of truth remaining as quoting of Jesus that the father is greater than him with father more of respect than alluding to trinity.

Lot of stories about Jesus re-appearances after presumed Crucifixion is pure, pure bogus like 500 saw him and the Pentecost and appearing in a room entering through the walls.

Also, the Gospel of John and outrageous statements of Jesus tainting him to suggest divinity,

All this is concealed by Rachid Arminius.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Idiot Akh Rashid of Hayat Wants to Invent New Islam with His Lies

The idiot guy on his TV program claims that Muhamed as he call him benefited from his mission but not Jesus. Now Prophet Muhamed message was to knock down the Trinity. This was his mission and not a personal gain as this kafir pretends.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

سؤال جرئ 139 هل بولس الرسول هو مؤسس المسيحية

سؤال جرئ 139 هل بولس الرسول هو مؤسس المسيحية


Insults of so called Rashid .... Muhamed is Taghiyah

Muhamed benefited. Muhamed message was the unity of God and he demolished the Trinity doctrine.

Muhamed suffered a lot in his life to propagate the Oneness of God with no trinity.

Al-Quraan rejection of trinity and Easa is son of God indicates al-Quraan point to false hood in the Ahl-Al-Kitab book.
Ahl-Al-Kitab does not indicate total agreement with what is in the book.
Akh-Rashid who insists to use this name and not Peter, George or Armanioos recounts story about group of Jews who write the book has no validity.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

سؤال جرئ 353 وسواس الوضوء والصلاة في الإسلام

Islam Hater Akh Rasheed of Hayat TV سؤال جرئ 317 حكم تارك الصلاة في الإسلام


A liar and hater of Islam and wants to destroy it.

He was never was a Muslim. He admits he was forced to pray by his father and considered praying Salat as entertainment Tasliyah.

He lies a lot specially about Christianity.