Saturday, September 10, 2016

لماذا يحتفل المسلمون بعيد الأضحى؟ رد على الضال رشيد سؤال جريء 461

سؤال جريء 461 لماذا يحتفل المسلمون بعيد الأضحى؟ رد على الضال رشيد 

Mr. Rachid making fun on eating meat. Mr. Rachid making fun for distributing meat to the poor. Mr. Rachid does not suit him that the slaughter of the sheep comes after the end of pilgrims. What is his business.
Mr. Rachid asks that money be given to the poor instead of meat. Stupidity, you can give money to the poor all year long. Just a trouble maker.
On the other hand the poor can not afford eating meat most of the time. So what is wrong they have such opportunity  in the pilgrim season?

Rachid go crazy criticizing eating meat as against health. Do not go to McDonalds, dummy.

Arabic speaking Nassarah callers trashing Islam. Sister 7feezah.

The Nassarah Insults

المغزى من الحلقة باختصار .. الاسلام دين وثني

المسلمون الحمقى: السعودية تتبرع على المسلم بمصحف يساوي دولار وتسترجع 5000 دولار للفرد عن طريق هذه الشعائر الوثنية
يا ليت المسلمين يفقهون ما تقول . لكن مع الأسف مخدرين بخرافة الإسلام من 1400 سنة


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