Friday, December 23, 2016

فى الحدث (86) حادث تفجير الكنيسة البطرسية القمص زكريا بطرس

Botros il-Garboo3 the defunct Qomos Bishop of the Orthodox Church of Egypt answering a Muslim woman caller from Egypt that She can not believe that a child in his mother is god. He answers that Good Appears to the fetus or glow to the fetus what the heck how to describe Zahar to the Child?
Now Garboo3 adding that Jesus is man like me or you. Are you kidding? Christians or his followers il-Nassara claims he claimed he is God not in in-direct way. Like whom wants to see god than through me?????? So he is not ordinary man. A gentleman who walks on the water and to sinking defying nature mechanics law of gravity pull is not ordinary man. So the guy is full of contradictions if not something else. Again the nature of the gentleman Christ and his divine nature conflicts between Catholics and Orthodox and even the Orthodox churches. The Egypt one nature and the Greek Orthodox two natures. Then Botros should be honest fellow and when he describes the nature of Christ should explain what nature definition corresponding to what church?

Second Garbbo3 with huge belly hiding under his black garb "Abu-Kirsh kibeer" as  an elephant and hiding behind the table, he insults the callers after they hang up and refer to them as ignorant s and use the scheme of Rad7 in Egypt, insulting ranting. He use the phrase Ya Ibni and Ya Binti for ta7qeer. My son or my daughter for belittling and lack of respect or treating as young children who know nothing. The garboo3 refer them by first name like Amany rather than lady Amany ... al-sayedah Amani which is more respectful. In addition referring to the female Muslim callers like Amany, Amani is act of aggression because he does not know her personally and she did not give him the permission of calling her in straight way by her first name. Now, the So called Bishop calling Amany, Amany, what ever her name his under tone of he is being sexual and kind of lusting from this old dirty man as usually referred to in such circumstances.

The Garboo3 usually does not leave any comment by a caller without he later comment on it after the caller end his call but after the female caller mentioned that his insults to Islam, Quraan and Prophet Muhamed will make Muslims hate Copts in Egypt he willingly did not choose to comment or answer such remark.

The Bishop knows a-Quraan and many aspects of the Islamic religion than his Bible. A regrettable. It is easier to discredit other people religion than fetch one in your religion or your holy books.

Safox, Yekk.

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