Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Christian Terrorism Jeremy Joseph Christian Portland Oregon

Max stabbing suspect Jeremy Christian is arraigned in Multnomah County Circuit Court in Portland on Tuesday, May 30. Christian is accused of killing two men on a commuter MAX train on Friday after the men tried to prevent Christian from harassing two girls.

Fatal stabbings of two men who tried to shield young women from an anti-Muslim tirade.

Some residents said President Donald Trump has caused those racist demons.

Rick Best was fatally stabbed on a train in Portland, Oregon.

An Army veteran, a father

Rick Best always worked hard, tried to help those around him and seemed to have a heart for public service.
After 23 years with the military, he joined his family in Portland's suburb of Happy Valley. First, he became an electronics repairman and loved it because he could spend time with his children.

Third victim in 'really bad condition'

Micah Fletcher, 21, is being treated in a hospital with serious injuries. His mother, Margie Fletcher, told CNN affiliate KATU that the knife missed his jugular by 1 millimeter. The station tweeted photos of Micah and Margie Fletcher.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

هل طبيعت الله تتغيربعد خلق آدام ؟

هل طبيعه الله تتغير؟
هل يغير الله طبيعته؟

قبل أدام و حواء الله لم يكن له له طبيعه بشريه وبعد الطفله مريم اصبح الله له طبيعه بشريه٠ ده جنون٠ 

هل طبيعه الله تتغيربعد خلق آدام  ؟ 

فضيحة مع امراة تهاجم الاسلام


حوار بين مديرين غرفة الحوار الاسلامى المسيحي عبر البالتوك وامراة مسيحية حول النصوص الجنسية فى الكتاب المقدس " نشيد الانشاد " و " سفر حزقيال "
كيف يؤمن النصارى بان هذا الكلام هو كلام الله ثم يخجلون منه ومن قراته

Saturday, May 27, 2017

After 20-Years No Ramadan Iftar at the White House per Order of Trump

Sayed Meslhy with Sayed Ahmed.
15 hrs

The Man Behind The Mask - Walter Veith


القمص زكريا بطرس يجب اجتثاث الاسلام من كل العالم

القمص زكريا بطرس فى برنامجه التلفيزيونى الفادى يقول للقضاء على الإرهاب كليتان 

يجب اجتثاث الاسلام من كل العالم

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Daring Question to Akh Karkoor Rachid and Qomos Zakzook Zakariya Botros Was Mary Born with Sin?

Karkoor has a TV program Entitled Daring Question directed to Muslims where also refuses any counter daring question about his breed of Christianity. His excuse always this is not the topic of discussion.
Now for the chap and for the fat Qomos:
Was Mary Born with Sin? If yes, then Jesus was born with sin through his mother, if No then why not since her son God was not killed on the cross yet and his precious blood did not wash people sin inherited from grand daddy Adam and grand Mom after they ate the delicious fruit or apple of the Eden garden?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

القسيس الذي نطق الشهادة اثناء المناظرة مع احمد ديدات

القسيس الذي نطق الشهادة اثناء المناظرة مع احمد ديدات 


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

برنامج انا مش كافر للقبطى اندرو وضيفه شخص اسمه لطيف

برنامج انا مش كافر للقبطى اندرو وضيفه شخص اسمه لطيف  كله شتائم للإسلام وتلميح باقتلاع الإسلام من جذوره فى مصر

قِسٌّ حاول تقليد المسيح فالتهمته 3 تماسيح في أقل من دقيقتين!


حاول قسيس يعيش في زيمبابوي أن يثبت لرعية كنيسته أن المسيح مشى على الماء، وفق رواية الإنجيل، فحاول تقليده بالسير فوق مياه أحد الأنهار.
القس الذي يدعى جوناثان مثيثوا، وعد رعيته في موعظة الأحد قبل الماضي، بأنه سيقلد المسيح بالسير على الماء (وفق ما ذكرته إحدى الروايات)، فانتهى به الحال إلى أن أصبح جثةً مزقتها أنياب 3 تماسيح بعد أن فشل في محاولته، بحسب "العربية".
وقال شاهد عيان إن القسيس اختفى بالماء في أقل من دقيقتين، التهمته التماسيح خلالها!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

زكريا بطرس .معرفة الحق287 الرد على الشيخ سالم عبد الجليل . قناة الفادي





Thursday, May 11, 2017

جديد وقبل قليل. سؤال جريء 491 - هل القرآن صالح لكل زمان

Al-Sharee3a must adapt with time and place.

Some refuses for adaptation and they are entitled to their views.
The war verses were for Muslims and Prophet Muhamed to guide him in his struggle to win over idol worshipers.

Rasheed has very rude tone in his voice.
You are not teaching Islam you to Muslims. Idiotic.

He calls cutting the hand of thief is savage.

How your God the father send the God son to be savagely whipped and savagely killed. Why your God father cause such savagery? Check your house first before throw stones on other houses.

فى الشريعه المسيحيه الطلاق فقط لعلة الزنا٠ هل هذا التشريع صالح لكل مكان وزمان؟ ام هو تشريع فاشل؟

Divorce only allowed for adulatory. Is this valid for every plaice and every age?

حقيقة الاخ رشيد المسيحي - لدكتور عدنان ابراهيم

Monday, May 8, 2017

مخطط الفاتكان والصهاينة للقضاء على الإسلام - الدكتورة زينب عبد العزيز

مخطط الفاتكان والصهاينة للقضاء على الإسلام - الدكتورة زينب عبد العزيز

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Kafir Loving in Germany Attacks Islam on TV Hamod

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The Dead Bloody Jesus Corpse with His Mother Painting

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Jesus and the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

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Jesus only sent to the lost sheep of Israel

The Faith of the Canaanite Woman
23But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

25The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.…

No mention at all of salvation from Adam and Eve expulsion from Eden because eating a delicious apple.

Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs,

Friday, May 5, 2017

جعفر من برنامج الفادى زكريا بطرس شخص حقير

هذا الشخص المدعو جعفر فى برنامج زكريا بطرس شخص تافه و حقير يسيئ الى شعور المسلمين ويطلق اسم ابوحميد على سيدنا محمد٠ هذا الأفاق لماذى يدعى ان اسمه جعفر ولماذا يصر على 

استخدام إسم جعفر الملقب بالطائر  فى الإسلام؟

الكافر زكريا بطرس و اسلوب الخداع

الكافر زكريا بطرس القمص المشلوح يهاجم الإسلام والنبى محمد عن طريق نكره بإسم صلاح يوسف٠ ما يخفى عن المشاهدين ان  صلاح يوسف ليس الا شيوعى حقير حاقد على الدين عموما و خصوصا الإسلام٠

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

الله فى الحدث (73) [1] أمينة واولادها الخمسة يقبلون المسيح

الله فى الحدث (73) [1] أمينة واولادها الخمسة يقبلون المسيح 

The inheritance laws in Quraan should adopt with time and century.

If woman walks in front of praying man he will get distracted and may be some desire in heart. If this happens this will invalidate prayers.

Jesus is factious person and does not exist.

روعة المسيح تخربف

Jesus does not hear any thing.    

This Botros yells like crazy to burn al-Quraan.  

Renovate Islam by burning half the Quraan or so.

Egyptian Gaber 3Assfour is Kafir.

This woman Nour from Algeria inshallah Jahanam. Prayer to Jesus all day and night you will get nothing.  

What is the likelihood out of more than two billion Catholics and more than one billion Muslims the holy mother will come and visit Noor in her bed? Does she have the address correct?

Let Khali Botros pray for you and Jahanam soon.

Botros never explained the salvation and the snake and how god get  killed.   

Noor got visited by 3azrah at sleep.

All what John said in Bible is hoax. I am the truth and way is hoax by Paul.

This Mansoor said The Catholics are infidel kafirs.

Again what we do not understand we leave it may someday will understand. They criticize Muslims Allah A3lam. Allah knows more.

God created Botros as proof that God loves Muslims.

The eternal life is very, very, very boring.

The God of the universe is your personal buddy. This is very stupid.

Lot of crazy callers kafirs insulting Islam.

Botros is obnoxious loud.

Coptic calling Muhamed killer.

Al-Quraan mitnayel bi neelah.

ALL insults to Muhamed.

Do not say Allah say Al-Rab. Allah is muslim word in Quraan.

Botros and callers Jahanam.

All prayers will be fiasco and waste of time. All barakah will not be. Ibrahim will be blind. Ramzi will be sick. Ferial will not be recover. Bistian to flunk. Raniya not to travel, Georgette for sick. Manal cancer not to heal. 

The only son. Are you kidding?


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Christian Love 250,000 Muslims killed in Bosnia by the Orthodox Serbians brothers of the Copts Orthodox and by the Catholics Croats. Do not blame the Bible?????