Thursday, May 11, 2017

جديد وقبل قليل. سؤال جريء 491 - هل القرآن صالح لكل زمان

Al-Sharee3a must adapt with time and place.

Some refuses for adaptation and they are entitled to their views.
The war verses were for Muslims and Prophet Muhamed to guide him in his struggle to win over idol worshipers.

Rasheed has very rude tone in his voice.
You are not teaching Islam you to Muslims. Idiotic.

He calls cutting the hand of thief is savage.

How your God the father send the God son to be savagely whipped and savagely killed. Why your God father cause such savagery? Check your house first before throw stones on other houses.

فى الشريعه المسيحيه الطلاق فقط لعلة الزنا٠ هل هذا التشريع صالح لكل مكان وزمان؟ ام هو تشريع فاشل؟

Divorce only allowed for adulatory. Is this valid for every plaice and every age?

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