Wednesday, May 23, 2018

سؤال جريء 537: هل هي بداية سفر الخروج من الإسلام؟

مصحف مصنوع من الحرير


One of the first lies in the program that Kafir Rachid il Dhalali is calling Islam as slavery. A total nonsense. Any one thinks like that is an idiot.


Claim by the kafir is that Islam blocks adaptation. Stupidity as of you think altatawor is gay marriage.


Some woman claims she left Islam because she does not like "Alqadar". Destiny is a philosophical issue and does not change or affect Muslim life. God knows the future and we do not know it so what happens to us God knew it before and this is power of God. Jesus knew according to the Nasarah holy books he will be killed and this is his Qadar.


و هل ظهور الله سبحانه و تعالى في يسوع منطق ؟؟؟

Kafir Rachid claims his God appeared in the man Jesus. Nonsense.

qanawat hidayah

Conversion to Christianity by some Muslims is due to the unblocking such programs of Rachid, Botros and alike from Nile Sat.

7idood rajm. Punishment in Islam as a woman claimed she left Islam for that reason she must know that she can fornicate as much she wants and no one will stone her.


Some one woman left I slam because of Islamic ghazawat of prophet Muhamed. So this was necessary in fight with kafir.

كن مرتاحا , فلن ينقرض الاسلام ابدا

Rachid thinks will vanish because people are leaving Islam. Response: No will not happen.

انت كاذب اين امر الاسلام بقتل الكافر اذا لم يؤمن

Rachid lies and claims that Islam orders the killing of Kafirs. No not true and only in wars with kafirs.

الكتاب الذي قال من شاء فليؤمن ومن شاء فليكفر لايوجد فيه حرية

Rachid claims Islam has no freedom. Believing or none believing in Islam exists.

altabani issue for Laila the new kafir

Adoption in Islam can be regulated in Muslim countries. If Morocco does not allow it then this can change with time.

يسوع يقول ما جئت لانقض بل لاتمم !!
Jesus changed the rule of stoning of Jews and did not stone the woman who committed adultery. Paul the self appointed saint he changed the dietary laws and consuming pig flesh.

نما في كتاب الانجيل ان المسيح قال أولئك الذين لم يريدوا ان املك عليهم فاتوا بهم واذبحوهم امامي ، هو هذا كتاب الحرية ، ومع كل الجرائم في العهد القديم فإن

There are lot of calls of killing orders in the bibles.

الاسلام امر بتبليغ الدين وان رفض يجب فرضه بالقوه ومن المعروف من ضرورات القوه استخدام القتل والقتال وتنتج عنه قتلى واموات واغتصاب وسرقة اموال

Islam did not order of forcing people to accept Islam. Why there are now some five million Copts little more or little less in Egypt? Why there Nassarah in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and Jordan?

في عهد ابا بكر وحروب الرده ومقاتله وقتل مانعي الزكاة اللذين امتنعوا عن الزكاة فقط فحوربوا وقتلوا
فكيف بمن ارتد ومن لايريد الإيمان

The fight of Abu-Bakr and apostasy was a must for future of Islam.

سبحان الله كلكم تقولون انكم كنتم مسلمين و انتم تعلمون انكم تكدبون و انتم تعبدو العبد وتشركون بالمعبود الحمد الله على نعمت الاسلام فليكن هدة الجاهل قائدكم الى نار جهنم و بأسى المصير

There are followers of Rachid who are addicted of this kafir.

allah sakin "lives" fi il heaven
does not care of people
Someone she claims that Allah lives in heaven and does not care about people. A total nonsense..

Quraan does not say that.

As of your side. there are tens of thousands in hospitals who pray to Jesus and he does not come to rescue and cure them.

il kineesah il rab masloob zahabet lil kineesah

The woman who loves to be Nosraniya, enjoy going to church and watch the naked god man hanging on the cross hiding his genitalia.

kafrah lil tabani

A woman she says after she believed and accepted Jesus as her god she felt very happy and never she felt like that when she was Muslim. Enjoy it and God give you some sanity.

kan 3ani salam ma7abah
korh wi khoof Laiala

A woman she felt love of people after she became Nosrania. Enjoy you hallucination.

il rab yasoo3

God Yassou3. A fiction man who does not exist but only in her head and imagination.

A7mad from Iraq... what he is talking about? not clear.

al takhreeb bi il 3iraq

المفارقة العجيبة أن الذي خلق هذا الكون العظيم وفق ما يعتقده المسيحيون خرج من فرج إمرأة تأكل الطعام ومصلوب على خشبة

no miracles

tahakom smiles

Rachid has the dirty habit of grin and scornful smile to degrade Islam.

khof 3alama elizabeth Tunis


Elizabeth from Tunis now in Europe as Mussilm she felt fear from devil and felt miserable. Enjoy now and go to bars and chase men and take them to bed. All your sins are forgiven.

احيا الموتى

Muhamed did not raise the dead but Jesus. Only in very few occasions by permission from Allah and some stories in the bible are false such as raising a man after being dead three days. Any body knows what happens to human body after three days of death. Total havoc and calamity.

محمد شيطان فى النوم٠ محمد شيطان متجسد٠ كلها كراهيه

Woman she claimed she saw Muhamed in her dreams as devil. Absolutely crazy woman.

نبكى حجاب اصوم اصلى مغربيه

A Moroccan woman she was always fasting, praying, crying and wearing Hijab. Now you can go and eat pig.

شخص الرب

The God guy. Oh God is a guy?

زنزانة الاسلام وارتحت

A woman she was in jail house as Muslim and now she feel relaxed. Relax more. Good for you.

آيه فى الإنجيل كراهيه

Woman, no one hate verse in the Bible. Oh. Do not invite to your house or eat with the ones who do not believe that Jesus was crucified.

If christian hates Muslims then he would leave Christianity. Do you lay a bid?


He left Islam because he believe evolution. Where it says that in the Quraan? How about the bible. Also, some Muslims say they are Muslims and believe in some form of evolution.

من يترك دينه فاقتلوه

No one who left Islam were killed in Algeria.

لا حوار فى الكنيسه الارذودكسيه فى مصر

Liar Rachid claims that there are no debate about Islam in Muslim countries. Lie there exists and insults also like in Egypt. Does the Egyptian Orthodox church allows any debate?

The Rachid program should be banned in Muslim countries and taken off from Nile Sat.

أخلاق يسوع تنكرألوهيته:
يسوع يلعن نفسه......تثنية 21:23
يسوع بهيمة لأنه الابن بكر لامه.....خروج 12:29
يسوع يشجع العاهرات على الزنا.....متى 21:31
يسوع يعترف إنه نجس حسب الناموس......تثنية 21:23...
See More

Manners of Jesus disguise his divinity:
Jesus damn himself...... the 21:23
Jesus is a beast because he is the son of a virgin for his mother.....
Jesus encourages bitches on adultery..... When 21:31
Jesus admits it is impure by mosquitoes...... the 21:23
Jesus is crucified because he is greedy in the rule of Caesar....... John 19:12
Jesus admits it's invalid....... Mark 10:18
Jesus insults people with their parents..... When 23: 33
Jesus savoring goodness bitches.... When 26:12
Jesus sheep with the nightmares of John..... Vision 17:14
Jesus naked in front of people to wash men's thighs...... John 5:13
Jesus is being held by women with good work..... Mark 14
Jesus and his gay status with his girlfriend..... John 21:20
Jesus fascist...... Luke 27:19
Jesus orders people to sell their clothes and buy swords.... Luke 36:22
Jesus orders to kill women, children and animals.... Samuel I 3:15
Jesus insults nations and considers them dogs and pigs..... When 7:6
Jesus revenge the fig tree because of his ignorance...... When 21:19
Jesus a spit on him..... When 27:30
Jesus of the breed of incest and grandchild whores..... When 1:1-25
Jesus racist...... When 21:15
Jesus orders to steal donkeys without the permission of their owners.... Mark 11: 2
Jesus admits that his pupils are stupid..... Luke 24:25
Jesus recognizes Peter Satan...... Mark 8:33
Jesus was born inside animal sty..... Luke 2: 7
Jesus hit his mother with dirty.... Lao 12:2
Jesus stroking the SAN PENGUIN PENGUIN..... Mark 7
Jesus falls in devil's trap..... When 4: 1
Jesus carrying his sword...... When 10
Jesus condones cannibalism...... SECOND KINGS 6: 29-28
Jesus punish his mother...... John 2: 4
Jesus the theatre of his mother distributes booze to drunken men in weddings..... John 1:2
Jesus live on the money of bitches..... Luke 8: 3
Jesus orders to cut off women's hands if they catch the fear of men.... Deuteronomy 11:25
Jesus says that a woman when menstruating be his star like dogs..... Lao 19:15
Jesus is sad because his sister has no titties..... Anthem sing 8:8
Jesus praise the male member of the animal...... job 16:40
Jesus orders people eat poop..... Ezekiel 12:4
Jesus praise the male members of Egyptians.... Ezekiel 20:23
Jesus and fuck pigs...... Psalms 13:80

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