Fake Rachid assumes that the Arabs of Prophet Muhamed were scientists who understan Viruses and what else!
The purpose of the message of Prophet Muhamed is for Arabs of his time is to believe in one god and not to worship idols. The Quraan illustrates and emphasizes that. Allah through Quraan describes god creation through the most basic thing that he have created male and female which any Arab male or female will realize and understand with no problem and that is all. The evil Rachid attacks the Quraan and claims that this is not true because there is viruses that has no male and female and the guy through other examples of weird creatures that no one heard about it. Would the very simple Arabs of prophet Muhamed times be interested to know or will this leads to believe in god and not worship idols. Of course not. Quraan is not book or text in biology mind you and not even the bible.
On the other hand the bible mentions male and female but Rachid chose conveniently not to mention.
In Rachid discussion of such subjects his voice shrills and his face is hysteric and full of anger. An idiot.
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