Friday, February 28, 2014

Kafir Rashid of Hayat Jesus 46 Blunt Question سؤال جرئ 46 حلقة خاصة عن السيد المسيح

Botrus is very skillful snake.

Botros and Rachid which is fake name keep asking the Muslim callers

Oh God show me the truth which Implies that Islam they belong to may be false and they are confused and may be willing to abandon.

Jesus prayer Oh God why you abandoned me ,,, Botros twisted it away from what clearly it means to common Jewish prayers in Synagogues.

Many stupid Muslims calling the program and indicating they are reading the Bible? Why? This is insulting to theQuraan.

No where did prophet tell Muslim followers to read the Bible or Ingeel.

Jesus and Muhamad Mission Aspects

Jesus mission was for the Jewish people to liberalize their religious regidity.
Muhamad mission was to promote the belief in absolute one god [no trinity in any shape]

Rashid Kafir Bold Question seven سؤال جرئ 7 حياة محمد

Muhamed came to restore the absolute unity of God and refuting the trinity
Islam came by power and not returning the other cheek
A7ibo your enemy is garbage and meaningless,
the Palestinians Nasarah are trash Elias are biggest hater of Islam
Lot of lies.
Islam spread all over the word go to hell with your hatred.
Imari is trash
a liar
 Re-Writing history
the Palestinian Nisrani is calling Islam terroristic

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

many Rashid Programs
Rashid stories of Islamic history for his advantage to convert to the Cross  religion.
Trash Program Guests
Nabeel is Satan
Nabil Fayyad

Nabil Fayyad, one of the most courageous and outspoken intellectuals in Syria, was arrested three days ago. Shaken by resolution 1559, the Syrian government may be seeking to intimidate anyone who calls for change. Fayyad, a Sunni Muslim who studied theology in Beirut, was a constant critic of Islamic obscurantism and warned against the growing power of fundamentalism in Syria. When writing on the widely read website, annaqed (The Critic) he could as often be as pointed as he was humorous. In the last few months he became a spokesman for the new "Liberal Gathering" Party in Syria. His smart editorials on the importance of liberalism, individual rights, and personal freedoms are as eloquent as they are moderate. His respect for humanism, learning, and tolerance colors everything he wrote. Several months ago I wrote about his refreshing point of view and exciting articles in my post, "New Voices from Syria."

Do you have Daleel that God can not yatagasid?

The problem is not Daleel.  However such thing is trash, The end of it.

Christian brutality and the killing of Muslims in Central Africa


Crazy Dog Rashid Hayat محاسبة شيوخ المسلمين 124 سؤال جريء


This crazy dog Kafir an idiot is calling on Muslims not use laser devices, recorders or wear Jeans.

How an idiot?

Stupid trash Sheikh calling Rashid Brother. Akh Rashid.

الشيخ محمد الزغبي is a an idiot.

Rashid is criminal Mogrim.

The criminal Rashid mocks prophet Muhammad.

Rashid is a lunatic kafir.

Rashid makes fun of Tayamum.

No Muslim debater Should debate this kafir to give him prestige and an opportunity to curse prophet Muhamed as a liar and a mentally impaired and suffering from epilepsy.

‎عاطف محمد ذكي الجمال‎'s photo.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

All Trash Lies.

There are too, too, too, many Coptic churches in Egypt.

They are often very huge, huge, huge.

The Coptic Cathedral in Abbasiya is ten times bigger than any mosque in Egypt.

There are 100,000 Muslims been killed by the New Egyptian dictator al-Sisy and no single Copt been injured or killed.

The hatred to Islam is immense by the fanatical copt and this garbage dog so called Rashid.

ابراهيم محلب والكنيسة . . مطلوب قراءة الخبرين التاليين لتفهموا لماذا محلب؟ الكنيسة هي التي توجه وتدير مصر بعد اسقاط الهوية الاسلامية وبعد الانقلاب على الاسلام

*وقع البطريرك ثيودوروس الثانى بطريرك الأقباط الروم الأرثوذكس بمصر وأفريقيا والمهندس إبراهيم محلب رئيس مجلس الإدارة يوم السبت 10 ديسمبر 2011م عقد تطوير وترميم كنيسة مارى جرجس بمصر القديمة بقيمة 45 مليون جنيه.

* انتهت أعمال ترميم وصيانة كنيسة إمبابة التي تعرضت لأعمال تخريب أدت إلي احتراقها ومن المنتظر تسليمها خلال يومين.
وقال القمص متياس الياس كاهن كنيسة العذراء بإمبابة إنه سيتم الانتهاء من أعمال تجديد وتطوير الكنيسة في غضون يومين علي أقصي تقدير.
وأشار إلي أن المجلس العسكري وشركة المقاولون العرب ومحافظ الجيزة مهتمون بشكل كبير بالانتهاء من أعمال التجديد والتطوير وضرورة إعادة الكنيسة إلي أفضل مما كانت عليه، وأن المهندس إبراهيم محلب رئيس مجلس إدارة المقاولون العرب قرر تركيب أجهزة تكييف وعمل إصلاحات للحمامات.
وأكد أن أعمال التطوير لم تقتصر فقط علي أعمال ترميم الأجزاء المحترقة، بل تم عمل صيانة كاملة.
ووجه الشكر إلي قيادات المجلس العسكري وشركة المقاولون العرب علي انجاز أعمال التطوير.
وأضاف أنه سيتم تسليم الكنيسة بعد التطوير لإقامة الصلوات بشكل كامل.
من جهة أخري، أكد المهندس محمود عبدالفتاح مدير مشروع تأهيل كنيسة العذراء بإمبابة أن العمل انتهي أمس الأول وتمت إعادة الكنيسة لأصلها كما كانت قبل الحريق، موضحا أن الأقباط طلبوا تجديد دورات المياه بعد الانتهاء من العمل، فأمر المهندس إبراهيم محلب رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة المقاولون العرب تنفيذ طلبهم خلال فترة زمنية لا تتعدي 48 ساعة، أي سينتهي العمل بشكل نهائي للكنيسة اليوم.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rashid Islam Hater on Hayat TV Jesus in Koran Quran سؤال جرئ 344 من أين أخذ القرآن قصة عيسى ؟

Where is Yakoob Bible on the web? the Bible you mentioned in the program.

The message of Islam is to refute that Jesus as God.

Mohamed succeeded as more than billion on planet earth believe just that

eat your heart out

the Idiot Rashid wants to change how Quraan is written, Kafir Nagis.

The Bible is silent of 30 years of Jesus life. Why if he is so important figure?

Rashid says that Christians rejected these stories in so called Yakoub Bible? The 4 bibles were pick and choose 400 years later in Rome,

Idiot Rashid wants to convert Muslims by comb thumping Quraan. How this leads to so called Christianity by just claiming Jesus is love, Nonsense. God is killed garbage. God got beaten up.

Hafeezah 7afeezah wants to learn Islam from Kafir. Crazy woman says she was amazed about the previous show regard al-Moalaffah Qolubohom and giving money to recent Moslems to keep them. The idiot woman does not know such necessity that strengthened Islam when it was weak.

 When the Quraan Surah says that the Jews killed 3easa ibn Mariam the thug Rashid says that the Jews donot believe that Jesus is born of virgin.

Stupid man. 3easa ibn Mariam  is how the Quraan refers to him and not the Jews.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Kafir Hamid Abdel-Samad سؤال جرئ - 327 - حوار مع حامد عبد الصمد: الجزء الثاني

This man is trash, trash, trash, trash, .....
Liar, Liar, Liar, ....
 الكاتب حامد عبد الصمدالكاتب حامد عبد الصمد DEUTSCHE WELLE


.....سؤال جرئ - 327 - حوار مع حامد عبد الصمد: الجزء الثاني


فتح مكة كان بداية الفاشية الدينية
الجاهل المسمى حامد عبد الصمد
صحيح من حقك تقول ان فتح مكة كان فاشية دينية
بس انا كمان من حقي اقول انك مخرف وجاهل
هذا المخرف الجاهل المسمى حامد عبد الصمد - واسمه منه برئ - قد أساء إلى ديننا وتطاول على نبينا الكريم منذ 3 أيام في ندوة بأحد الصالونونات الثقافية ... ولاأدري كيف تسمح الدولة لهذا المخرف ببث سمومه وأين الأزهر و الأوقاف والإفتاء ووزارة الثقافة ؟ أم أنهم يعدون هذا إبداعا ؟ هذا الشيء وأمثاله مكانهم غياهب السجون وأعواد المشانق
واقرأ شيئا من سيرته النتنة :
# حامد عبد الصمد روائي علماني يروي عن نفسه أثناء وجوده في ألمانيا "كان منظر لحم الخنزير في مطعم الجامعة يثيرني، وكنت أحيانا أحذر شباب المسلمين من الخمر والزنا بينما كنت آتي كليهما في نفس اليوم "
# هو صاحب كتاب "سقوط العالم الإسلامي" الذي ألفه قبيل ثورات الربيع العربي
# اشترك الخائن مع الكاتب الإسرائيلي المعادي المسلمين هنريك برودر في برنامج تلفيزيوني يقوم على التشكيك وتشويه التاريخ الإسلامي وتراثه
# يقول المجرم عن القرآن : " القرآن كان كتابا رائعا للقرن السابع، أما في القرن الواحد والعشرين فليس له مكان"
# ومن كلماته : " نحتاج إلى ملحدين للتشكيك بطريقة إلحادية في كل شيء في هذا الدين بدون محظورات" .
# وفي هذ الفيديو يقول المجرم :
أن مكة قبل الإسلام كانت أفضل بكثير مما أصبحت عليه بعده وأنها كانت تحوي جميع الأديان والأصنام إلى أن جاء فتح مكة الذي يعتبره بداية بذرة الفاشية الدينية في العالم
Criminal man claims Morsi fell because of faillure.
Garbage trash.
Where is the money of Emirites to throw out Morsi.
How about the TV media and newspapers 100% creating hatred towards Morsi and encouraging rebellion.
Foreign powers played active role.
The Copts conspiracies.
Lets al- Sisy will do.
The idiot he makes his living by being Professor of Islamic History in Germany.
 al-Khilafia il-Islamia is not agreed upon by the majority of Muslims. The Khilafah will lead to disaster and this will result in spreading the Copts to all the Muslim word and North Africa in particular Algeria and Morocco.
Lie: there is no hatred to the so called West.
There are some criticism towards gay marriage and common sex outside marriage. So the Christians Churches in most countries of the west and America are very unhappy or gave up.
Regard to Saudi Arabia and women driving car. The rational is for safety and being raped and attacked while driving in isolated areas or high ways.
Not only Turkey against the Egyptian Coup but all the African countries even as far as Brazil.
About hatred. Just check the Copts on Rashid program calling and insulting Islam, Mohamed and Quraan,
Check the dirty comments on YouTube by the Copts this generates hatred towards them in Egypt.


الثالوث هو عبارة عن ثلاثة آلهة بالفعل وليس إلها واحدا والدليل أن الأب كان في السماء والابن كان يمشي على الأرض والروح القدس نزل على هيئة حمامة يعني هم ثلاثة آلهة منفصلين عن بعضهم البعض وهو ما يثبت كذب الدين المسيحي

أما السب والشتم فخاصية مسيحية بحتة في الكتاب المقدس: "أيها الحيات، أولاد الأفاعي! كيف تفلتون من عقاب جهنم؟" (متى الاصحاح 23 الفقرة 33) "يا أهل غلاطية الأغبياء!" (غلاطية الاصحاح 3 الفقرة 1)

اية في البلاغة اللغوية تحدت الأنس و الجن فعجزوا عن التحدي , من حلاوته و عذوبته يحفظه عن ظهر القلب مئات الألاف من المسلمين من عمر الخامسة حتى المائة , من أجله ألفت عشرات الألوف من المراجع و المجلدات 3- رب النصارى ( حسب زعمهم ) ابتكر طريقة دموية رهيبة و بشعة ليغفر للتاس خطاياهم تحسبه ساديا عندما يفتدي بابنه صلبا و قتلا ... في الحقيقة , بسبب عقيدتهم المنحرفة , الثالوث المقدس لا تستطيع التاكد من الافتداء , الرب نفسه ام ابنه المفتدى به ؟ و الظلم في غفرانه انه حمل البشر خطيئة سواهم ,
 قول وحيات مريم المجدلية اللى نامت مع يسوع؟ قول وحيات حاملات المرة الجنيات السبئيات شهود قيامة رب المجد؟ يافادى مالك عامل عدة قنوات قاعد تكلم نفسك ؟ يا ابنى انتو عباد اوثان مالكم علاقة بالتوراة ولا بالانجيل ان كان مازال يوجد نصارى فهم المندائية اللى جعلتوهم صابئة

الاخت امرير نرجس , يبدو انك فضحت هذا االمفضوح او المفضوحة .... على ما يبدو ... أصلا , فلأنهم ضالون , تائهون و لا أفهم لماذا هي منزعجة فالناس جميعهم قرأوا ما كتبت من قذارات الألفاظ و الشتائم البذيئة و يا ليتها كتبت معلومة صحيحة واحدة بل الكذب و الجهل و التخلف و الانحطاط الفكري هو عنوان محاورات امثالها و لما لا طالما أنجيلها الأباحي و الممسوخ هو مرجعها ..... حتى انها تكتب بمستوى تلميذ في الصف الاول الأبتدائي شخصيا , هذا اخر لقاء معها داعيا الله ان يهديها اليه و الله انا مشفق علبها

 لَقَدْ كَفَرَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ ۚ قُلْ فَمَنْ يَمْلِكُ مِنَ اللَّهِ شَيْئًا إِنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُهْلِكَ الْمَسِيحَ ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ وَأُمَّهُ وَمَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا ۗ وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۚ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ (17)

الهك يامسيحية مصلوب و مقهور و يحمل خطايا المجرمين كالقساوسة اللوطيين و الرهبان ما شرفتموه الا بالكذب عليه و جعلتم لله ابن و أين صاحبته؟ يا لها من مسخرة و يئخذون الرهبان الأموال من الناس ليغفر لهم خطياهم , هل هذا يعقل ؟؟؟؟ أفيقى يا مسكينة ما نتشبت بالقرآن الا لأننا نرى منه المعجزات بعين اليقين انه كلام الله

فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاصْفَحْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ (13) وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَىٰ أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَهُمْ فَنَسُوا حَظًّا مِمَّا ذُكِّرُوا بِهِ فَأَغْرَيْنَا بَيْنَهُمُ الْعَدَاوَةَ وَالْبَغْضَاءَ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ ۚ وَسَوْفَ يُنَبِّئُهُمُ اللَّهُ بِمَا كَانُوا يَصْنَعُونَ (14)

يا للسخريه من هذا رشيد وتفاهاته بالله مثل هذا يتكلم عن القراءن فاكر نفسه منطقي هو فالح بالتهجم والتدليس وهذا الكلام قديم وفاشل تكلموا فيه ناس اكبر منه منطق وفشلوا فشل مخزي لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

القرآن الكريم لا يأمر بالقتال سوى دفاعا عن النفس حيث يقول تعالى: "وقاتلوا في سبيل الله الذين يقاتلونكم ولا تعتدوا إن الله لا يحب المعتدين" (البقرة 190) والقرآن الكريم يقول: "لا ينهاكم الله عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم أن تبروهم وتقسطوا إليهم إن الله يحب المقسطين" (الممتحنة 8) أرأيت تسامح وإنسانية أكثر من هذا؟ نحن مأمورون بأن نقسط ونبر الأخرين مثلما نبر والدينا!

وَقَالَتِ الْيَهُودُ وَالنَّصَارَىٰ نَحْنُ أَبْنَاءُ اللَّهِ وَأَحِبَّاؤُهُ ۚ قُلْ فَلِمَ يُعَذِّبُكُمْ بِذُنُوبِكُمْ ۖ بَلْ أَنْتُمْ بَشَرٌ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ ۚ يَغْفِرُ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيُعَذِّبُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۚ وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ وَإِلَيْهِ الْمَصِيرُ (18) سورة المائدة

ا نشاء الله ندفنك انت والصليبين امثالك يا زنديق

...لماذا لا تجعل الناس تعرف الاسلام من اهل الاسلام؟؟ لماذا هذا الكذب و الحقد؟
  الفاسق رشيد

 بالمحبة والغفران والمباركة حتى للأعداء

نحن نعلم كيف حرمتم الهراطقة فرضتم دينكم بالقوة عبر التاريخ ام الان فلك ان تخترع مسحية لا وجود لها !!وذلك هو تزوير التاريخ

لماذا ذكر بولص الرسول ان الشيطان شاكه بشوكة !! اي ابتلاه في جسده لكي يتواضع هل كان له عليه سلطان !! لماذ ا اختبر ابليس يسوع ربه ويقول له اسجد لي
هي عورة وانت تعلم ذلك !! وكتابك المقدس يقول ذلك او انك جاهل مشكلتكم انتم النصار ى انكم تقولون الله ما لا يقوله !! وتحرفون ما يقوله لينسجم مع اهوائكم !! الم يقل بولس ان على المراة ان تغطي راسها او تحلقه و ان تطيع زوجها ووتخضع له اين تضعون هذه التعليم !! وراء ظهركم كالعادة ام بخصوص جمال الاسلام اذهب و قرئ بنزاهة و موضوعيه وكل ذلك مسؤليتك لاني في هذا المنبر يا صديقي تعبيري و حيزي محدود خذ مثال مني انا قراة المسيحية من سنوات وانا ادرس و ابحث عن الحقيقة ...اليست جنت الله غالية و طاعته تستحق ذلك
قوم لسانك وحارب اميتك و تعال تتكلم في الخلاص بولصكم ضحك عليكم قال لكم الشريعة نير لا لزوم له مع ان يسوع قال لا يسقط حرف من الشريعة فمن هو معلمكم يسوع رسول الله ام بولص رسول ابليس اللذي ضحك عليكم !!
تثنيه21 عدد10: إذا خرجت لمحاربة أعدائك ودفعهم الرب إلهك إلى يدك وسبيت منهم سبيا(11 ) ورأيت في السبي امرأة جميلة الصورة والتصقت بها واتخذتها لك زوجة (12) فحين تدخلها إلى بيتك تحلق رأسها وتقلم أظفارها(13) وتنزع ثياب سبيها عنها وتقعد في بيتك وتبكي أباها وأمها شهرا من الزمان ثم بعد ذلك تدخل عليها وتتزوج بها فتكون لك زوجة. (14)وان لم تسرّ بها فأطلقها لنفسها.لا تبعها بيعا بفضة ولا تسترقها من اجل انك قد أذللتها
 سيشهد كل شيء علي الانسان لسانه يديه الارض اللتي يمشي عليها لخ فكيف لا ينطق الكعبة و الحجر الاسود لماذا تذهب للكنيسة اليست مكان كغيره من الاماكن لماذا تقدس المذبح لماذا ترش عليه البخور و المياه المقدسة لماذا يتحول الخمر و الخبر الى دم و جسد يسوع لمذا يصبح كل ذلك مقدسا يا ترى !!
انا متتبع لبطرس زكري منذ زمن طويل 2003 واغلب كلمه كذب في كذب وكذلك وحدكم ولكنه اقل كذب ام رشيد فمشوش الفكر يخلط الحضارة الغربية بالمسيحية و التخلف مع الاسلام ومستواه الفكري ضحل جدجدا وهو كان معروف في بلده بالالحاد اصلا لا يؤمن بشئ كل ما هناك انه يسترزق
وحتي في الغب موجود و بابشع صوره ماذا تسمي هذا الاستغلال البشع للمراة في الاشهار وافلام الاباحة وتشيئ وتسليعها اليسة عبودية ما بعدها عبودية

Hayat Kafir Demon Monkey Rashid Insults to Muslims and Aggression

Muhamad is a liar.

Quraan is phoney

Quraan stories are takhreef, nonesense.

No Muslim calling the bible blank as nonesense but the devil in flesh Rashid say that about Quraan.

Demon Hayat Rashid Kafir Bold Question سؤال جرئ 332 منطق القرآن في الرد على المخالفين

This man is total idiot and Shaitan,
Too many Copts and Christian Arab callers have much hatred and contempt to Islam, Quraan and Muhammad.
Ibrahim was not Jew or Christian so what?
Ibrahim is big figure for the Jews and Christians.
He is Muslim who started from time of Adam.
Easa is prophet of Allah.
Allah did not have Sa7iba or wife. So what is your problem?
The guy playing with the word son or Ibn?
He includes son by adoption as rebuttal that Quraan does not have son because he did not woman or wife.
 It is not required for pophets to have miracles.
Believe of God message and of Islam principles is mental and spiritual does not require miracles.
Did Jesus have ladder to heaven?
Why muslim callers calling brother Rashid? Brother?
The Clown Rashid al-Shatan play around with the the word son as Majazi or figure of Speech but the Christians or in the Bible that Jesus the son of God is the one who created the universe.
Criminal devil Rasheed claim that were Christianity before Jesus. How stupid? the Christianity is based on the cross and the killing of Jesus. How Christianity existed before the killing of the Son God?
Muslim is believing in god in absolute way and no trinity for example also surrender to God so calling Ibrahim is fine.
The attack on Muslims why they do not looking for death to go to heaven or paradise. God created people to worship him and not wishing death. God prohibits wish to die. Also no body is sure to God to heaven. This gift from God. No body can say God I am entitled to paradise. You can not force God. Paradise is gift and blessing from God.
 In God the Jews about denying killing of Jesus son of Mary is referral to him and not the Jesus are saying Jesus as son of Mary.
In Islam the belief in God comes as intuition and conclusion and not by observing miracles.
Shitan Devil Rasheed loves to repeat the description of nonsense takhareef. How about the Muslim keep throwing the word nonsense takhareef right and left as this devil refers to Quraan all the time.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Stupid Smile Ablah

Smile as Muslims get killed in Central Africa


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

سؤال جرئ 343 المؤلفة قلوبهم : الرشوة المقدسة

Islam is not an absolute religion and its security is the most important thing. So for Islam and for its own survival the zakat for the Moalaffah Qoloobhim was vital and very important to avoid enemies.
Without zakat for the Moalaffah Qoloobhim Islam would have been in Jeopardy. What is the problem? Islam survived and became vistorious. Eat your heart up.
Your God Jesus was slapped left and right and was killed among two thieves as your phony book reveals.
Crazy idiot al-Dhal Rasheed claims that Easah Jesus did not give money for people to be Christians. How stupid man for Christianity did not exist till as they claim Jesus was killed on the cross according to his father plan and demonstartion of fatherly love.
So Christianity did not exist when Jesus was on planet earth and not crucified as they insist. Christianity is the belief that Jesus the God son was killed on the cross to wash the sin of Adam and Eve and the silly story of apple and snake.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Greatest Deceiver ( Sura 4:157)..Part 1 of 2

It is silly to think Quraan will state that Jesus was crucified and the subsequent phony story related to  father god sacrificing his son for people salvation.
 The Quraan does not give further detaila otherwise this will entail long story and plot. Jesus disciples were called the 7awariyneen and there is no need for names,
if you believe in Quraan then you just need to believe that Jesus was not crucified.

Did Adam pray to God? there are million we know answers.
If he says that human mission is to pray to God and make fun of Muslims why they the Christians they pray?

Monday, February 17, 2014

the Dog Rashid سؤال جرئ 220 هل القرآن قديم ام مخلوق

This man is garbage trash, This Rashid is trash.

is piece of garbage.

Muslims worship al-Quraan? This show is trash and this worshiper of  the cross is the devil.

رشيد!!!!!! من أين جاءه الرّشد!!!!

رشيد!!!!!! من أين جاءه الرّشد!!!!


Perfect idiot.

Jesus gift of love. There is no evidence of it at all. It is matter of brainwashing.

Kafir Hayat TV Rashid Question 66 سؤال جرئ 66 هل تنبأ الكتاب المقدس عن محمد

Mr. Rashid asks if the Muslims claim that Muhamed is refered to in the Bible why Muhamed did not state that?
Well would Muhamed say he read the bible? is this trick from Rashid? Ask angel Gabriel?
Mr. the Coptic man asks many stupid questions. Jesus did not bring complete message and this is why Muhamed came.
Jesus is very vague usually.
Love your enemy is vague and can be very urrational, If some one kills your son you should love him? why?
Morkos says Jesus says do not kill? where if this what he said?
Muhamed command to kill is in the battle? did Jesus talk about battle or he was ignorant man pretended that battles do not occur?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Video Kafir Rashid of al-Hayat TV and Transfiguration of Christ

سؤال جرئ 65 أسس عقيدة التجسد
If Rachid tells us about Jesus warning of false prophets why he did not warn specifically of false prophet who will come after him and warn specifically about Mohamed?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Rachid AL-Hayat Aggressive Question سؤال جرئ 83 الحجاب في الإسلام

So much hatred to Islam.
The views toward Muslim dress and perfumes must change with time.
I disagree with Sheikh Qardawi against women wearing perfumes. Disgusting in our times.
Never heard a woman attacks a man to have sex with him.
The man can have immediate arousal and erection when he seeing a woman showing her breast for example.
The estrogen hormones for women is much less than woman.
For man his sexual desire for woman is so high for propagation of spice where a man can make many women pregnant at the same time.
For woman she needs only one make one man to make her pregnant so she must be very selective whom she chooses
The woman needs support once she gets pregnant so she must be careful when she chooses sex.
Women can or indifferent to man hair but not get sexually aroused and wet.
If a woman needs sex with man she needs to excite him and tempt him. If she was not able to excite him he will not have erection and no sex is possible.
سؤال جرئ 72 الجنة في الإسلام والمسيحية

language related words



jinn not seen

jinoon il laijl

Friday, February 14, 2014

Akh Rashid the Apostate of Hayat TV attacls on Islam Daring Question the Jinn Ghosts سؤال جرئ 52 الجن في الإسلام

Rachid Kafir on Hayat سؤال جرئ 60 الطهارة بين الإسلام والمسيحية

Criminal Kafirs interfering with Muslims religion.

Passing gas can cause dirt out.

Kafirs say brother muslims. You idiots you are criminals.

Go fix your religion you pigs.

The garbage Kafirs they do not want abolution. You garbage are not going to change Islam and no muslim is telling Kafirs how to pray.

Akh Ahmed .//// garbage man change your name to kafir name.

Abolition is Taqs. You idiots.

Do not interfere in Islam garbage men.

Kafir liar Rachid says shower does not substitite for abolution. Liar there are muslim scholars who agree with shower.

The pig Rachid (Christian name?) wants to confuse the muslims.

The pig Rachid propagating hartaqa deaniyah.

The garbage man trying to invent Islam claiming that in Islam the water of abolution wash the sins.

The garbage man says Muhamed did not mention shower substitute for abolution.

He does not want muslims to follow sunnah of the prophet Muhamed.

The Kafir says muslims go to prayers without love.???? does not make sense.

In Chtistianity traditionally dressed the best before going to Church on Sunday.

سؤال جرئ 160 تعليقات على احاديث صحيحة : الجزء الثانى

Calling Muhamed is a Bogus Prophet
This man is very rude and garbage

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rashid Al-Hayat Al-Kafir سؤال جرئ 335 حوار مع عالم اجتماع حول المسيحية والإسلام

The program is total nonsense and Mr, Alvin Shmidt is total reactionary.
The story of the Pope and Galileo is well known.
For more than one thousand years Europe resisted science because they believed the Bible is every thing.
Only after the contacts with the Islamic Arabs during the crusade there was some progress.
The Andalusia was further enlightenment to Europe.
The Muslims first thing they did was the transaction of the Greeks philosophy and science ancient books which closed minded Europe was very hostile and considered unneeded because the Bible every thing.
The garbage Kafir Rashid never present things in blind way, unfair and showing total hatred and contempt to Islam.
If something wrong in the west it is not Christianity and any thing wrong in the Arab world it is Islam.

schmidtDr. Alvin Schmidt of Illinois College


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

سؤال جرئ 250 الإسلام والديموقراطية

people may vote for homosexual marriage?
alcohol consumption
in democracy people they do not vote for every thing.
The rule of people is ignored in the west and America often.
The massive demonstrations against the Gulf war in Britain was ignored by Tony Blair
Gay marriage was approved by majority of voters in many states in America.
The shoura can be valid and the ruler can ignore the majority and he can take what he see as the right decision and he may be correct.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

AL-HAYAT TV Trash Half Truth Stories and often Out Right Lies by Rachid and Ammari the Kafirs

AL-HAYAT TV is trash and full of lies and insults to Islam..

Kafir Rachid and Sourat al Kawthar. The thug Rachid and his hoola balloo about ayet "shaenak howa al-Abtar" this kafir man never mention that the Abtar word was used first against Muhamed when  Muhamed son Qasim have died.

Rashid Al-Hayat Badr سؤال جرئ 162 الهجرة وغزوة بدر : الجزء الأول

The reason for Badr is fighting the Kafirs so no one but to worship Allah.

Question of Kafir Rashid how Muhamed was different than prophets such as Moses and others? so about fighting and spreading religion to other countries?

Stupid question .... Moses was for the Jewish people only and this is about all.

Jesus was local and his land  was occupied by the Romans and was afraid of them. He was not able even to answer the question about taxes to Cezar without giving cowardly answer.

Criminal guest accused Muhamed aims was political. A liar man ,,,, mohamed was political figure. How garbage guest!!!

Idiot Guest Ammari (3Ammari) propose that proper way for Muhamed to spread his message by spreading his followers through the world. This guest is an idiot dope. Islam is practical realistic religion and not crazy. Spreading Muslims followers will lead that they be killed.

Muhammad saw victory in his life. Jesus did not see any victory but humiliation.

Are you writing history you kafirs.  You criminal kafirs Rachid and Ammari you were defeated.

Trash Man Apostate سؤال جرئ 161 إختبار الأخ مالك مسلمانى

This trash man why he keeps the name Muslimani?
Al-Naqqid is trash as well anti-Islam. So he was trash all the time.
Christianity spread in Europe through love, no actually through superstition. In France the story that Saint Paul was put with hungry lion for a trip in the sea at the city of Mersillie in France without been eaten was assumed a mircle that caused that people to convert to Christianity.
So spreading superstions ... of Christianity.
Christianity spread by the sowrd in eastern German regions.

Quraan Verses

{فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنفَضُّواْ مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الأَمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللّهِ إِنَّ اللّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ} (159) سورة آل عمران

سؤال جرئ 142 إعجاز القرآن البيانى


The Quraan is easy to remember what he argues?

If Muhamed forget verse what is the problem? This is why there were many muslims were assigned to remeber Quraan.

This crazy kafir keeps interrupting Hanaa'

Quraan is easy to remember as a designed to remember,

No place that requires Muhamed need to remember all vereses in Quraan.

The Quraan is poetic however the Bible is not written to memorize. No way.

Looks the Control makes easier if you are apostate.

Al-Bukhari and others hadeeths some are valid and others you can accept or not.

Any one can give proof that god can not be in human form. Answer this is garabage proposition and is rejected as such. Very stupid proposition. The god of the universe takes human form  stupid  stupid.

 Caller Abu-Bakr why you keep an Islamic name you najis?  najis najis najis.

Any one can give proof that god can not be in human form?

The question is do you believe in God who assumes a personal form. The answer NO and I would rather be a Solid Atheist than to believe in such nonsense. I will not believe in God at all. Done with,

Rachid refused the statement of a caller that Muhamed had sex with dead woman as Zakaria Botros al Fagger claimed.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dirty Kafir Rasheed and Hateful Robert Spencer on Hayat TV Daring Question


The Liar Robert Spencer and and Turncoat Rashid Hamami.

Al Kalb al-Mas3oor Rachid Kafir wants the Muslims to renounce Islam and accepting Christianity without explaining the nutty nutty Trinity and the Concept of the original sin; Adam and Eve, the Apple and Snake and the expulsion from the garden.

روبرت سبنسر Robert Spencer American Crusader Islam Hater

Robert Spencer.jpg

Robert Bruce Spencer

Robert Spencer
BornFebruary 1962 (age 53)
ResidenceUnited States
Alma materThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,(M.A. 1986, Religious Studies)
OccupationAuthor, blogger
Years active2002–present
Known forCriticism of Islam,
books and websites about
Jihad and Islamic terrorism
Notable work(s)The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion, (2006)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades), (2005)
StyleAdvocacy journalism
Born1962 (age 51–52)

Satanic Finger 

Image may contain: 1 person, beard and text

Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer was born in 1962 and is of Greek heritage. His grandparents came from what is present day Turkey. He received his M.A. in the field of early Christian studies, and is a self-proclaimed devout Catholic. According to one source, Spencer was a religion teacher at Aquinas High School in the Bronx where some of his former students remember him arguing for the Bible and against birth control. Students mentioned that he now has between 6-8 children.

However, since the cementing of his friendship and alliances withPamela Geller, European anti-Muslim activist Anders Gravers (leader of SIOE) and radical Dutch Euro-supremacist politician Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer has embarked on a course of institutionalizing and organizing against Islam and Muslims under the rubric of “fighting the Jihad.” He is now co-founder and leader in two new anti-Muslim organizations, Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI) and Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA).

    1. ///////////////////////////////


      Spencer received an M.A. in 1986 in religious studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His masters thesis was on Catholic history.[7] He has said he has been studying Islamic theology, law, and history since 1980.[1][8] He worked in think tanks for more than 20 years,[6] and in 2002–2003 did a stint as an adjunct fellow with the Free Congress Foundation, an arm of the Heritage Foundation.[9][10] Spencer named Paul Weyrich, also a Melkite Catholic, as a mentor of his writings on Islam. Spencer writes, "Paul Weyrich taught me a great deal, by word and by example – about how to deal both personally and professionally with the slanders and smears that are a daily aspect of this work."[10] Spencer's first book on Islam was published in 2002.

      Spencer's views on Islam

      Spencer does not believe that traditional Islam is "inherently terroristic" but says he can prove that "traditional Islam contains violent andsupremacist elements", and that "its various schools unanimously teach warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers".[11] However, he rejects the notion that all Muslims are necessarily violent people.[11] He has said that among moderate Muslims, "there are some who are genuinely trying to frame a theory and practice of Islam that will allow for peaceful coexistence with unbelievers as equals."[12] Spencer has also said that he would welcome any Muslim who renounces jihad and dhimmitude to join him in his "anti-jihadist efforts",[13] but feels that anyone pursuing his called-for reforms will face a difficult task, because "the radicals actually do have a stronger theoretical, theological, and legal basis within Islam for what they believe than the moderates do."[14] He has also argued that many so-called reformers are not interested in genuine reform, but instead are aiming to deflect scrutiny of Islam.[12][14]
      Spencer has expressed criticism of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and numerous other Muslim advocacy groups that he claims are closely tied to allegedly jihadist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood.[15] He has also criticized the employment by CAIR of several Muslims who were[16] convicted on charges relating to terrorism.[17]
      He has appeared with Ayn Rand Institute speakers on several occasions.[18] In an interview with The Washington Post he was "...asked if he was being deliberately combative and provocative, Spencer chuckled. "Why not?" he asked. "It's fun."[19]
      In a public debate between Spencer and Daniel C. Peterson, a professor of Islamic studies and Arabic, Peterson was critical about what he described as a selective criticism of Islam, but conceded to Spencer that "yes there is a broad consensus and has been for a long time about certain elements of jihadi teaching," about Spencer's assertion that the schools of Islamic jurisprudence do agree on the necessity to wage war against unbelievers, and that "we are really not disagreeing that much ... terrorism, Islamic terrorism, really does have roots in actual parts of the tradition of Islam."[20][21]


      Karen Armstrong has criticized Spencer's work as showing "entrenched hostility" towards Islam, and his citations of Islamic scripture as cherry-picked,[22] stating among other examples that "Spencer never cites the Koran's condemnation of all warfare as an 'awesome evil', its prohibition of aggression or its insistence that only self-defence justifies armed conflict..." She concludes that "His book is a gift to extremists who can use it to 'prove' ... that the west is incurably hostile to their faith." Spencer responds: "Yet the verse she quotes (2:217) actually says only that warfare during the 'sacred month' is an 'awesome evil', and adds: 'Persecution is worse than killing.'" Spencer accuses Armstrong of context-dropping by omitting the fact that this was a defense for Muhammad's war in response to his persecution.[23]
      Benazir Bhutto accused Spencer of "falsely constructing a divide between Islam and West". She said he was using the Internet to spread hatred of Islam by presenting a "skewed, one-sided, and inflammatory story that only helps to sow the seed of civilizational conflict".[24]
      Dinesh D'Souza, of the Hoover Institution, wrote that Spencer downplays the passages of the Quran that urge peace and goodwill to reach one-sided opinions. He contends that Spencer applies a moral standard to Muslim empires that could not have been met by any European empire.[25]
      In an article discussing Bat Ye'or's 2005 book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, French academic historian Ivan Jablonka writes that Spencer's views lack academic seriousness. Jablonka also describes Spencer as having a relentless intent to designate "new enemies for wars to come".[26]
      Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) listed Spencer as a "Smearcaster" in an article in 2008, stating that "by selectively ignoring inconvenient Islamic texts and commentaries, Spencer concludes that Islam is innately extremist and violent".[27]
      Spencer co-founded Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI) with Pamela Geller in 2010. Both organizations are designated as hate groups by the Anti-defamation league[28] and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[29][30][31]
      Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called Spencer and Geller American anti-Muslim writers because their writings "promote a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda under the pretext of fighting radical Islam. This belief system parallels the creation of an ideological — and far more deadly — form of anti-Semitism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries." He continued, "we must always be wary of those whose love for the Jewish people is born out of hatred of Muslims or Arabs."[32][33]
      During Operation Protective Edge, Spencer was accused of spreading an anti-Palestinian misinformation video, originally published by Pamela Geller, by inaccurately claiming a video of an Egyptian die-in protest from Egyptian newspaper El Badil was a video of Hamas faking the number of causalities killed by Israel. Robert Spencer wrote “as Muhammad said, ‘War is deceit.’ And so here is more ‘Palestinian’ victimhood propaganda unmasked. Not that the international media and the world ‘human rights community’ will take any notice. Video thanks to Pamela Geller.” After El Badil had the video removed from Geller's YouTube account due to copyright infringement, El Badil wrote that Spencer and Geller's inability to distinguish a die-in protest from an Islamic funeral either makes them "incompetent to speak on Islam or they are professional liars."[34][35][36]
      In an October 2010 news article, an investigative report by The Tennessean described Spencer as one of several individuals who " in on spreading hate and fear about Islam." Tennessean investigation concluded "IRS filings from 2008 show that Robert Spencer earned $132,537 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and Horowitz pocketed over $400,000 for himself in just one year".[37][38]


      On December 20, 2006, the government of Pakistan announced a ban on Spencer's book, The Truth About Muhammad, citing "objectionable material" as the cause.[39] Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto was likewise highly critical of Spencer's work.[24] In his response to Bhutto's criticism, Spencer notes that the passage she cites was in fact written by Ibn Warraq.[40]
      In 2009, Spencer was asked to participate in an information session about Islam and Muslims designed for ethnic and multicultural librarians entitled "Perspectives on Islam: Beyond the Stereotyping", at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Library Association, which was sponsored by the ALA's Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT). After objections were raised by ALA members and the general public, the three other panelists withdrew in protest and the session was ultimately canceled.[41]
      In April 2010, the US Patent & Trademark Office rejected the trademarking attempt of Robert Spencer's organization "Stop Islamization of America" to trademark SIOA because their application for a trademark disparages all Muslims as terrorists. The US Trademark Examining attorney refuted Spencer's claims by offering proof with articles found in the LexisNexis databases which document how the majority of Muslims view terrorists as illegitimate adherents of Islam.,[42][43]
      In August 2010 The Washington Post cited Spencer, along with Pamela Geller, as conservative bloggers who have been influential in challenging the construction of the Park51 project, which he calls the "Ground Zero mosque".[44] Spencer and Geller's organization Stop Islamization of America launched their first public protest outside of the Park51 location on June 6, 2010. See Park51 controversy article.
      In September 2010, on ABC's This Week show, Reza Aslan said that SIOA is an offshoot of SIOE, which he said had been referred to as aNeo-Nazi organization by the European Union.[45] Spencer later challenged Aslan to produce any evidence of his claim.[46]

      Ban from entering the UK

      On June 26, 2013, Spencer and Pamela Geller were banned from entering the UK.[47] They were due to speak at an English Defence Leaguemarch in Woolwich, south London, where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed. Home Secretary Theresa May informed Spencer and Geller that their presence in the UK would "not be conducive to the public good".[48]
      A letter from the UK Home Office stated[49] that this decision is based on Spencer's statement that:
      ....It [Islam] is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers for the purpose for establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society because media and general government unwillingness to face the sources of Islamic terrorism these things remain largely unknown."[50]
      The decision, which they cannot appeal, will stand for between three and five years. The ban followed a concerted campaign by the UK anti-extremism and civil rights organization Hope not Hate,[51] which said it had collected 26,000 signatures for a petition to the Home Secretary.[52]


      Qur'an critic and secularist author Ibn Warraq has said that Spencer "tells the truth that few in the U.S. or Europe wish to face".[53] Michelle Malkin says that Spencer "tells truths about jihadists that no one else will tell."[53] Conservative radio talk show host Dennis Prager has called JihadWatch, "one of the most honorable Web sites that I know of monitoring jihad in the world today."[54]
      Opus Dei Father C. John McCloskey called him: “Perhaps the foremost Catholic expert on Islam in our country.”[55]
      Andrew C. McCarthy said about him: "As NRO readers may know from my reviews of some of Robert’s books and my frequent references to his invaluable work at Jihad Watch, I hold him in high esteem."[56]
      The Institute on Religion and Democracy said about him: “Spencer’s comprehensive understanding of his Christian faith and Islam along with lucidly insightful writing give the lie to his international notoriety as a bigoted ‘Islamophobe.'”[57]
      Bruce Bawer said about his banning from Great Britain: "It should be a matter of national shame for Britain that when its government banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from its shores, it was doing the bidding of the counter-counterjihadists of Hope Not Hate – who, despite their manifestly Stalinist methods and sympathies, are treated by U.K. authorities as reliable ideological gatekeepers, even as the truth-telling Spencers and Gellers are tagged as anathema."[58]
      Daniel Pipes praised his book Did Muhammad Exist? saying: "In a well-written, sober, and clear account, he begins by demonstrating the inconsistencies and mysteries in the conventional account concerning Mohammed’s life, the Koran, and early Islam...It will likely leave Islam a less literal and doctrinaire religion with particularly beneficial implications in the case of doctrines of supremacism and misogyny."[59]
      The Franciscan University of Steubenville invited him to speak about Islam, which he did.[60][61][62]

    2. counterpart of the ancient Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch.[4][5] It is a sui iuris church of the Catholic Church whose adherents are, according to Spencer, "mostly concentrated inLebanon and Syria, also in Jordan and the Palestinian territories."[1] His grandparents were forced to emigrate from an area that is now part of Turkey because they were Christians.[1]According to a 2010 interview in New York magazine, Spencer's father worked for theVoice of America during the Cold War, and in his younger days, Spencer himself worked at Revolution Books, a Communist bookstore in New York City founded by Robert Avakian.[6]

روبرت سبنسر (بالإنجليزية: Robert Spencer) هو مدون وكاتب مسيحي أمريكي لمقالات وكتب لها علاقة بالإسلام .معروف بنقده الشديد للإسلام كما أنه من كبار معادي الشريعة الإسلامية وتطبيقها خاصة في الغرب. نشر تسع كتب حتي الآن ، اثنان منهم حصلا علي مرتبة أعلي الكتب مبيعًا وفقًا لتقييم صحيفة نيويورك تايمز.أيضًا هو مؤسس موقع ومدونة"جهاد ووتش" المختص بمراقبة الحركات الإسلامية في العالم، وجذب أنظار الرأي العام لما يسمسيه "مخططات المسلمين لتدمير المجتمعات الغربية من الداخل وضمهم بالقوة للعالم الإسلامي أو فرض الشريعة الإسلامية عليهم بالقوة" . اتهم مؤخرًا بالتأثير على أندرس بريفيك أندرس بهرنغ بريفيك للقيام بمذبحة أوسلو هجوما النرويج 2011 عن طريق منشورات مدونته العنصرية و المعادية للمسلمين .

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