Friday, February 14, 2014

Rachid Kafir on Hayat سؤال جرئ 60 الطهارة بين الإسلام والمسيحية

Criminal Kafirs interfering with Muslims religion.

Passing gas can cause dirt out.

Kafirs say brother muslims. You idiots you are criminals.

Go fix your religion you pigs.

The garbage Kafirs they do not want abolution. You garbage are not going to change Islam and no muslim is telling Kafirs how to pray.

Akh Ahmed .//// garbage man change your name to kafir name.

Abolition is Taqs. You idiots.

Do not interfere in Islam garbage men.

Kafir liar Rachid says shower does not substitite for abolution. Liar there are muslim scholars who agree with shower.

The pig Rachid (Christian name?) wants to confuse the muslims.

The pig Rachid propagating hartaqa deaniyah.

The garbage man trying to invent Islam claiming that in Islam the water of abolution wash the sins.

The garbage man says Muhamed did not mention shower substitute for abolution.

He does not want muslims to follow sunnah of the prophet Muhamed.

The Kafir says muslims go to prayers without love.???? does not make sense.

In Chtistianity traditionally dressed the best before going to Church on Sunday.

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