Tuesday, October 21, 2014

سؤال جرئ 253 اختبار الأخ محمد من داخل المغرب

This guy who insists to call his name as Muhamed is jerk. If you admire and revere prophet Muhamed you use the name Muhamed. Why this kafir call himself Mohamed? Tadlees.

Muslims do not to study their religion. Allah is one who has no father or son. The end of it.
Al-Deen al-Nosrany God is father and son at the same time. Nonsense. The end of it. No study is needed. Absolutely not.

Adding the Bible is fabricated book and Jesus in this book is man made God with amazing attributes and stupid promises. Come the tired and I will carry your burdens. Total garbage lie. Never, never happened anywhere and anytime and was added later in the Gospel of John who have died long before any such gospel have existed.

The eternal life in al-Nosraniyah is to be in heaven and praying for eternity. Boring and not worth it.

The gospel of

انجيل يهوذا

does not have any mention about Jesus Crucifixion


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