Saturday, October 25, 2014

سؤال جرئ 281 الإسلام يزدري الأديان, Notorious Akh Rasheed Al-Hayat Islam 287

Akh Rasheed is a religious Mawtoor fanatic.

His program is full of distortion, lies and false comparisons.

He says Islam has lot of attacks on Christianity not. Does this idiot that the Bible Will attack Islam by name or prophet Muhamed by name?

He says that Muhamed in Hadeeth that Allah informed him in the day after he will marry the wife of the Pharoh and of Myriam the mother of Jesus? He contends this is an insult. Then he goes further and asks would you like if the Bible says that Paul will marry Eiasha the wife of the prophet. So stupid propsition. The Islam or Eisha did not exist at the time when the Bibles were finally compiled and approved by the Roman empror. How this possible stupid man.

وقوله تعالى‏:‏ ‏{‏ثيبات وأبكاراً‏}‏ أي منهن ثيبات، ومنهن أبكاراً، ليكون ذلك أشهى إلى النفس، فإن التنوع يبسط النفس، ولهذا قال‏:‏ ‏{‏ثيبات وأبكاراً‏}‏ أي منهن ثيبات، ومنهن أبكار، ليكون ذلك أشهى إلى النفس، فإن التنوع يبسط النفس، ولهذا قال‏:‏ ‏{‏ثيبات وأبكار‏}‏ قال‏:‏ وعد اللّه نبيه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم في هذه الآية أن يزوجه، فالثيب آسية امرأة فرعون، وبالأبكار مريم بنت عمران ‏"‏رواه الحافظ الطبراني في المعجم الكبير‏

Idiot Rasheed complains why Islam interefer in other religions? Why he then he interfers of Islam.

Islam came specificaly to renounce the trinity and Jesus is the son of God. Muslims believe that God sent Muhamed for that purpose. As the Bible used today proclaim that Jesus is the son of god Islam came to renounce that as the biggest sin.

Liar Rasheed claims that Christians do not insult other religions then what Dantes in the Divine Comedy have insulted Mahomet and depected him in hell.

How about Rasheed the crusaders insults Islam and Muhamed every week in his program and there are no weekly Islamic TV programs denouncing so Christianity for 90 minutes?

Rasheed is a liar he claims that the Holocaust can be argued about in Europe. A liar. Prison terms and huge fines are imposed in Germany, France and others. An example the French Muslim scholars Rogers went to trial and fined because he argumed that the figure 6 million Jews been killed is over exagerated.

Crazy Rasheed suggests burning all books of al-Salafi Ibn Tomaymima because his books insults so called Christianity. How this is practical idiot. Every one and library should send the books to the fanatic Rasheed Ibn il-Saleeb to burn?

The callers to Rasheed program insults and call Muslims as ignorant people and worst.

Only reason to convert the callers to so called Christianity is to them that Jesus was a cool nice guy.

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