Friday, July 8, 2016

Akh Rsheed Choice of Religion Post 454 Al-Hayat سؤال جريء 454 - هل من حقي أن أغير ديني؟. قناة الحياة


Islam is Deen al-Fitra.
Yes, because the belief in One God who is not man, cow, animal, or anything else is natural. This is why Islam is Deen al-Fitra.

Belief in Trinity is not natural. Nasarism is not Deen al-Fitra because you have to know the story of the apple, the snake and the original sin, the shedding of blood, cross, rise. This does not come as  intuitive or natural but get indoctrinated and brain washed.

Islam is Deen al-Fitra therefore.

Moses and Abraham did not believe in any trinity or even mention it, neither they mentioned Jesus or any son of God.

Slick Raheed in response to caller congratulate Muslims for Eid Al-Fitr. A lie thanks the caller for Reminding him. He intentionally, refused to say it at the beginning of his program.

 الإسلام دين الفطره

Trinity is not deen al-Fitrah.

Can't Be.

Why Muslims choose Trinity than absolute Unity of God.

Akh Rsheed never was Muslim as adult.

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