Sunday, June 25, 2017

الرب الاب احيا الرب الإبن

القصه ان بعد مقتل يسوع  الرب الإبن  الرب الاب احيا الرب الإبن٠ مسأله سهلة الفهم ولكن لكثرين قصه معقده تجيب صداع لفهمها٠ الله فى العون

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

القبض على يسوع قصتين مختلتفين فى انجيل متى و يوحنا

#الوحي لا يخطأ . والرب لا يشتبه ، وإذ حصل خطأ أو اشتباه ، فهذا يدل على الفعل البشري الذي من ميزاته النقص .
 في أهم عقيدة من الإنجيل والتي تكاد المسيحية ترتكز عليها برمتها وهي عقيدة الصلب والفداء نجد ، أن الراوي لهذه الحادثة قد اختلف اختلافا بينا فاضحا.
 ففي إنجيل متى يقول بأن هناك شخص وضع علامه للجنود الرومانيين قائلا لهم : الشخص الذي أقبّلهُ هو فامسكوه ولا
تدعوه يفلت .

#ولكن في إنجيل يوحنا يختفي هذه النص كليا ويحل محله أن المسيح هو من دل على نفسه حيث قال للجنود  الرومان : من تطلبون وعلى من تبحثون ؟ فقالوا : نبحث على يسوع الناصري  فقال لهم : أنا هو . فالقوا القبض عليه.
 أضع النصين لتتضح الحقيقة .
جاء في إنجيل متى 26: 46 أن يسوع قال لتلاميذه : ((قُومُوا نَنْطَلِقْ! هُوَذَا الَّذِي يُسَلِّمُني قَدِ اقْتَرَبَ! وَفِيمَا هُوَ يَتَكَلَّمُ، إِذَا يَهُوذَا قَدْ جَاءَ وَمَعَهُ جَمْعٌ كَثِيرٌ بِسُيُوفٍ وَعِصِيٍّ مِنْ عِنْدِ رُؤَسَاءِ الْكَهَنَةِ وَشُيُوخِ الشَّعْبِ. وَالَّذِي أَسْلَمَهُ أَعْطَاهُمْ عَلاَمَةً قَائِلاً: «الَّذِي أُقَبِّلُهُ هُوَ هُوَ. أَمْسِكُوهُ فَلِلْوَقْتِ تَقَدَّمَ إِلَى يَسُوعَ وَقَالَ: «السَّلاَمُ يَا سَيِّدِي!» وَقَبَّلَهُ. حِينَئِذٍ تَقَدَّمُوا وَأَلْقَوْا الأَيَادِيَ عَلَى يَسُوعَ وَأَمْسَكُوهُ. حِينَئِذٍ تَرَكَهُ التَّلاَمِيذُ كُلُّهُمْ وَهَرَبُوا)).
#اما في إنجيل يوحنا 18: 4 فيقول : ((فَأَخَذَ يَهُوذَا الْجُنْدَ وَخُدَّامًا مِنْ عِنْدِ رُؤَسَاءِ الْكَهَنَةِ وَالْفَرِّيسِيِّينَ، وَجَاءَ إِلَى  هُنَاكَ بِمَشَاعِلَ وَمَصَابِيحَ وَسِلاَحٍ. فَخَرَجَ يَسُوعُ وَهُوَ عَالِمٌ بِكُلِّ مَا يَأْتِي عَلَيْهِ، وَقَالَ لَهُمْ: «مَنْ تَطْلُبُونَ؟ أَجَابُوهُ: يَسُوعَ النَّاصِرِيَّ. قَالَ لَهُمْ: أَنَا هُوَ. قَدْ قُلْتُ لَكُمْ: إِنِّي أَنَا هُوَ. فَإِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَطْلُبُونَنِي فَدَعُوا هؤُلاَءِ يَذْهَبُونَ. ثُمَّ إِنَّ الْجُنْدَ وَالْقَائِدَ وَخُدَّامَ الْيَهُودِ قَبَضُوا عَلَى يَسُوعَ وَأَوْثَقُوهُ)) .
#وأما الأناجيل الأخرى فقد سكتت عن هاتين الروايتين ولم تورد لهما خبرا.
 سألت يوما قس كان يعمل معي في سلك الكهنوت قبل استقالتي . قلت له : بما ذا تفسر هذا الاختلاف ، وكذلك سر سكوت إنجيلين عن إيراد هذه القصة؟
فقال : اسمعي عزيزتي . المهم أنهم قبضوا عليه ، أي أن هناك اتفاق بين الإنجيلين بأن عملية القبض تمت !
فقلت له : وهذا الاختلاف ما هو منشأه ؟
قال : لا أدري .
 قلت له : وكيف لا تدري وعملية القاء القبض على يسوع من أشهر قصص الانجيل برمته وعليها ترتكز المسيحية وهي مدار عقائدها . فهل سلم يسوع نفسه . أو تم القبض عليه بخيانة احد الصحابة المقربين منه ؟
فقال : بما أن يسوع هو الرب فهو عليم بحاله.
 ثم تركني وذهب ليُقيم الصلاة في المذبح .
Image may contain: 3 people, text

فتذكرت حينها لماذا قال يسوع : ((فِي الأَزْمِنَةِ الأَخِيرَةِ يَرْتَدُّ قَوْمٌ عَنِ الإِيمَانِ، تَابِعِينَ أَرْوَاحًا مُضِلَّةً وَتَعَالِيمَ شَيَاطِينَ، فِي رِيَاءِ أَقْوَال كَاذِبَةٍ، مَوْسُومَةً ضَمَائِرُهُمْ ))

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

ويمكرون ويمكر الله، والله خير الماكرين

This means evil people will have their plan but Allah has his plan that will triumph.
ويمكرون ويمكر الله، والله خير الماكرين

المسيح عن شريعة قطع اليد و النَّارِ الأَبَدِيَّةِ

لقد تحدث المسيح عن شريعة قطع اليد منذ ألفي عام و
وضع حدا ًللسرقة بقطع اليد،
 وللزنى بقلع العين،
 وللذهاب لأماكن الشر بقطع الرجل
 .وذلك بقوله: "فَإِنْ أَعْثَرَتْكَ يَدُكَ أَوْ رِجْلُكَ فَاقْطَعْهَا وَأَلْقِهَا عَنْكَ. خَيْرٌ لَكَ أَنْ تَدْخُلَ الْحَيَاةَ أَعْرَجَ أَوْ أَقْطَعَ مِنْ أَنْ
 تُلْقَى فِي النَّارِ الأَبَدِيَّةِ وَلَكَ يَدَانِ أَوْ رِجْلاَنِ.

 وَإِنْ أَعْثَرَتْكَ عَيْنُكَ فَاقْلَعْهَا

وَأَلْقِهَا عَنْكَ. خَيْرٌ لَكَ أَنْ تَدْخُلَ الْحَيَاةَ أَعْوَرَ مِنْ أَنْ تُلْقَى فِي جَهَنَّمِ النَّارِ وَلَكَ عَيْنَانِ" (مت 18 : 8 –

Monday, June 19, 2017

فتاة مسلمة مقتولة في الولايات المتحدة بعد مغادرتها مسجدا زكريا بطرس

العثور على فتاة مسلمة مقتولة في الولايات المتحدة بعد مغادرتها مسجدا

نابرا فتاة مسلمة عثر على جثتها بعد تعرضها لاعتداء في فيرجينيامصدر الصورةFACEBOOK - ISRA CHAKER
Image captionكانت نابرا برفقة أصدقاءها عندما دخلوا في شجار مع سائق سيارة
أعلنت شرطة ولاية فيرجينيا الأمريكية العثور على جثة، يُعتقد أنها لفتاة مسلمة تبلغ من العمر 17 عاما، كانت قد تعرضت لاعتداء بالقرب من أحد المساجد قبل اختفائها.
وكانت الفتاة، التي قال أقاربها إن اسمها نابرا، تسير مع أصدقائها حينما دخلوا في شجار مع سائق سيارة في بلدة هيرندون، حسبما أفادت الشرطة.
وأوضحت الشرطة أن الرجل غادر السيارة، واعتدى على الفتاة التي اختفت عن الأنظار بعد ذلك.
وأُلقي القبض على مشتبه به يبلغ من العمر 22 عاما، ووُجهت إليه تهمة القتل.
وذكرت تقارير أنه لا يُعرف حتى الآن سبب الاعتداء، لكن التحقيقات تتناول وقوع جريمة كراهية كأحد الخيارات المحتملة.

المنطقة التي وقع فيها الحادث في فيرجينيامصدر الصورةFAIRFAX POLICE
Image captionصورة للمنطقة التي وقع فيها الحادث
وقالت صحيفة واشنطن بوست إن مجموعة من أربعة أو خمسة مراهقين بينهم نابرا، زاروا مطعما للوجبات السريعة لتناول وجبة في وقت متأخر من الليل بعد أدائهم صلاة التراويح.
لكن سائق أحد السيارات اعترض طريق المجموعة أثناء سيرهم في الشارع، نحو الساعة الرابعة صباحا بالتوقيت المحلي.
وفر المراهقون باتجاه أحد المساجد، لكنهم تركوا نابرا التي أُعلن اختفائها بعد ذلك.
وخلال عمليات التفتيش، أوقفت الشرطة سيارة كانت تتحرك بطريقة مريبة في المنطقة، واعتقلت سائقها الذي يُدعى داروين مارتينيز توريس.

داروين مارتينيز سائق متهم بقتل فتاة مسلمة في فيرجينيامصدر الصورةFAIRFAX COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT
Image captionالمشتبه به داروين مارتينيز وجهت له تهمة القتل
ولاحقا، عثرت الشرطة على جثمان الفتاة في بركة تبعد نحو خمسة كيلومترات من موقع الحادث.
وقالت وسائل إعلام محلية إن الشرطة عثرت أيضا على عصا بيسبول في نفس المكان.
وستُجري السلطات تشريحا للتأكد من هوية صاحبة الجثمان وسبب وطريقة قتلها.

هل طبيعه الله تتغيربعد خلق آدام وتصبح بشريه؟

هل يغير الله طبيعته؟

قبل أدام و حواء الله لم يكن له له طبيعه بشريه وبعد الطفله مريم اصبح الله له طبيعه بشريه٠ ده جنون٠ 

هل طبيعه الله تتغيربعد خلق آدام  وتصبح بشريه؟

Nazi Coptic Archbishop Zakaria Botros is Responsible for the Terrorist Attack on Finsbury Park Mosque in North London Britain

Nazi Coptic Archbishop Zakaria Botros is Responsible for the Terrorist Attack on Finsbury Park Mosque in North London Britain. His Fiery Sermons on Al-Fadi Television calls for the elimination of Islam and Muslims throughout the world.

Emergency services responding to the scene



Finsbury Park attack: Police treating London mosque assault as terrorism

LONDON — A man died and at least eight people were injured after a van was rammed into a crowd of worshipers near a mosque in north London, in what police are treating as a terrorist attack.
Eyewitnesses reported chaotic scenes as the incident unfolded just after midnight, when worshipers had just finished evening Ramadan prayers.
A 48-year-old man was wrestled to the ground by members of the public and then arrested at the scene on suspicion of attempted murder, London’s Metropolitan police said.
“This is being treated as a terrorist attack and the Counter-Terrorism Command is investigating,” said Neil Basu, senior national coordinator for terrorism at the Met.
Latest developments
— Police say they believe there was only one man in the van.
— Investigation is being carried out by the Counter-Terrorism Command.
— Prime Minister Theresa May will chair an emergency meeting Monday morning.
— Muslim Council of Britain releases a statement calling it a “terror attack.”
The van rammed into the worshipers on Seven Sisters Road, a busy thoroughfare in Finsbury Park, north London, near a Muslim community center and a mosque. All victims were Muslim, Basu said.
He confirmed witness accounts that the man found dead at the scene was already receiving first aid when the attack happened, adding it was unclear whether he died as a result of the attack. Eight other people were taken to hospital, two of whom were seriously injured, he said.
Muslim Welfare House CEO Toufik Kacimi said the attacker shouted “I did my bit, you deserve it.” An immam prevented people from taking revenge on the man, he said.
“And thanks for our imam, Muhammed Mahmoud, who went quickly and grabbed the (attacker), because the people there were trying to hit and kick the guy, but he saved him and kept him safe until the police arrived.”
Police believed that the alleged attacker acted alone, despite earlier reports from witnesses, who had said they saw two other people flee the scene.
Prime Minister Theresa May will chair an emergency meeting on Monday morning.
“All my thoughts are with the victims, their families and the emergency services on the scene,” she said.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan called the incident a “horrific terror attack.” “We don’t yet know the full details, but this was clearly a deliberate attack on innocent Londoners, many of whom were finishing prayers during the holy month of Ramadan,” Khan said.
The assault comes on the heels of another attack at London Bridge, in which three men rammed a van into pedestrians and went on a stabbing spree at nearby bars and restaurants, killing eight people. Monday’s attack is the third in London since March involving a vehicle as a weapon against pedestrians.
Emotions are high in the UK in the wake of a series of deadly terrorist attacks and a fire at a London apartment building that killed dozens. Basu said that the city’s emergency services are stretched.
What happened
Witnesses told CNN they saw a van driving at high speed along Seven Sisters Road.
Abdikadir Warfa, who was on the street at the time, said the van turned into an alleyway and hit a number of people before coming to a stop. Images from the scene show a white van wedged against a traffic barrier at the dead end of a street.
“I saw a man, he was underneath the van,” Warfa said, who described how his friends tried to lift the van to free him.
Warfa said many of the people in the street were worshipers who’d been attending late-night taraweeh prayers at the Finsbury Park Mosque.
He said as he attended the injured, others grappled with the driver as he tried to run away.
“The man tried to escape. My friends told me there were two other guys with him but they caught the driver,” said Warfa.
Ratib Al-Sulaman told CNN he was sitting with friends two minutes away, when an “incident in front of the mosque” occurred.
“Some big van … crushing the people in the mosque. So we just run straight away, I see police, ambulance, people lying on the floor, and a van as well,” said Al-Sulaman. “There was three people in the van. One has been arrested and two ran away,” he added.
Saeed Hashi described how he fought with the driver as he waited for police to arrive.
“We stopped the guy and we put him on the floor and people managed to call police,” Hashi said, showing CNN his bruises. “He punched me in the head.”
Hashi was one of three people who held the suspect on the ground for 10 minutes. “He was really shouting and aggressive … he was just spitting on us,” Hashi said.
Witnesses described seeing between eight to 10 people lying on the ground near to the Muslim Welfare House on Seven Sisters Road.
“I saw something that was horrendous, something we should not see the in the 21st Century, something we should not see in the last 10 days of Ramadan,” said Mohammed Abdul.
Warnings of anti-Islamic attacks
A statement released by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) condemned what it described as a “terror attack.”
“During the night, ordinary British citizens were set upon while they were going about their lives, completing their night worship. My prayers are with the victims and their families,” read the statement.
Tell MAMA, an anti-Islamophobia group, had visited Muslim Welfare House on Friday last week to inform the community about the need to report anti-Muslim hate incidents and to consider their safety during Ramadan.
“Ramadan is a time when Muslims are more visible and when there are larger congregations who attend late at night to pray after opening their fasts. Mosque safety needs to be stepped up and this includes entry and exit points,” it said in a statement.
Finsbury Park, in the London Borough of Islington, is a bustling, diverse area of north London with a strong Muslim community.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

مارتن لوثر يدرس القرآن.. والاستشراق يقدم الإسلام لألمانيا

 مارتن لوثر يدرس القرآن.. والاستشراق يقدم الإسلام لألمانيا

مارتن لوثر يدرس القرآن.. والاستشراق يقدم الإسلام لألمانيا

الجمعة 09-06-2017 20:45 | كتب: محمد البحيري |
مسجد في إسين بألمانيامسجد في إسين بألمانياتصوير : المصري اليوم
كان أول اتصال الألمان بالعالم الإسلامى أيام الحروب الصليبية، فلقد اشترك الألمان فى هذه الحروب وكان هناك اتصال دبلوماسى بين ملوك الأندلس والألمان.
ودرس مؤسس البروتستانتية، مارتن لوثر (1483 - 1546)، القرآن برغم التراجم المحرفة. وبدأ الاستشراق بما بذله المستشرق الألمانى يعقوب كريستمان (1554-1613) من تعلم اللغة العربية وألف كتباً فيها، وافتتح كرسيا لها فى جامعة هيدلبرج فى سنة (999 هـ - 1590 م) وازداد عدد المستشرقين.
وزاد وصول الإسلام إلى ألمانيا مع المسلمين أعضاء البعثات الدبلوماسية والاقتصادية والتجار خلال العلاقات التى نشأت مع الدولة العثمانية فى القرن الـ18 الميلادى.
وتشير الوثائق إلى تسجيل 20 جنديا مسلما ضمن قوات فريدريك ويليام الأول حاكم بروسيا فى مطلع القرن الـ18.
وفى عام 1745، أسس فريدريك الثانى حاكم بروسيا وحدة للمسلمين فى جيش بروسيا أطلق عليها اسم «الفرسان المسلمون»، وكانت تتكون بشكل رئيسى من جنود بوسنيين وألبان وتتار. وفى 1760 تم تأسيس فيلق بوسنى يضم نحو ألف جندى مسلم.
وتؤكد الدراسات الأدبية والتاريخية تأثر الشاعر والأديب والفيلسوف يوهان جوته (1749 -1832) بتعاليم الإسلام.
وفى 1798 تم إنشاء مقابر للمسلمين فى برلين، وتم نقلها عام 1866، وما زالت فى موقعها حتى يومنا هذا.
وتأسست أول مدرسة لأطفال المسلمين فى ألمانيا عام 1932. وكان عدد المسلمين الموجودين فى ألمانيا آنذاك يقدر بنحو 3 آلاف مسلم، 300 منهم فقط من أصل ألمانى. إبان الحرب العالمية الأولى، تحالف الألمان مع الأتراك العثمانيين وتغيرت فكرة الألمان عن الإسلام، وفى نهاية الحرب العالمية الأولى أطلق سراح بعض الأسرى المسلمين ففضل الكثير منهم العيش فى ألمانيا، كما توافد على ألمانيا عدد من التجار والعمال المسلمين، وأخذ عدد قليل من الألمان يعتنقون الإسلام.
وتقول الكتب والمذكرات إن الزعيم النازى أدولف هتلر كان من المعجبين بالدين الإسلامى، وينسب إليه القول: «لو لم ينتصر تشارلز مارتل فى معركة بواتييه (على المسلمين عام 732 م فى معركة بلاط الشهداء)، لأصبحنا الآن فى جميع الاحتمالات محمديين (مسلمين)، تلك الطائفة التى تمجد البطولة وتفتح السماء السابعة للمحارب الجرىء فقط، وعندها كنا سنغزو العالم».
تأسس معهد الإسلام عام 1942 خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية، ويعرف الآن باسم «معهد التراث الإسلامى الرئيسى فى ألمانيا».
ويقدر عدد المسلمين فى ألمانيا بأكثر من 4.3 مليون مسلم، ينتشرون بالمناطق الصناعية.

« البحوث الإسلامية » ينظم دورة تدريبية لتأهيل «وعاظ اللغات» للرد على الشبهات

«البحوث الإسلامية» ينظم دورة تدريبية لتأهيل «وعاظ اللغات» للرد على الشبهات

منذ 16 دقيقة | كتب: أحمد البحيري |
 محيي الدين عفيفي - صورة أرشيفيةمحيي الدين عفيفي - صورة أرشيفيةتصوير : آخرون
نظم مجمع البحوث الإسلامية دورة تأهيلية لوعاظ اللغات الأجنبية، بمدينة البعوث الإسلامية، حيث تستمر الدورة لمدة شهر ونصف ويحاضر فيها متخصصون في العلوم الشرعية من أساتذة جامعة الأزهر.
وقال محيي الدين عفيفي، الأمين العام لمجمع البحوث الإسلامية، في تصريح له، إن الدورة تستهدف تأهيل هؤلاء الوعاظ وزيادة المستوى العلمي لهم لأجل الاستفادة بهم في التواصل مع الناس دعويًا، خاصة الذين لا يجيدون العربية.
وأضاف «عفيفي» أنه «من منطلق دور الأزهر العالمي وحاجة العالم إلى المنهج الأزهري وما يتميز به من وسطية واعتدال، فإن الاهتمام بتجهيز هؤلاء الوعاظ لأجل أن يقوموا بدور مهم في نشر صحيح الإسلام والرد على الشبهات المفتراه على الإسلام، وتصحيح المفاهيم الخاطئة عن الإسلام نتيجة ما تروجه بعض الجماعات المتطرفة وذلك من خلال النشر والتواصل الإلكتروني للوصول إلى أكبر عدد من الناس».
وأشار إلى أن «الدورة تركز على تقديم جرعات مكثفة للوعاظ في القضايا الفكرية والفقهية المعاصرة، بالإضافة إلى الشبهات المثارة حول القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية والرد عليها».

Friday, June 9, 2017

Eating the Flesh of God and Drinking the Blood of God Do You Believe That?

ياكل جسدي و يشرب دمي يثبت في و انا فيه

.... تعبير مشمئز و مالوش معنى وتخريف

Monday, June 5, 2017

Naked God on the Cross

Image may contain: one or more people

Was Jesus actually Naked on the Cross?

 Richard Hollerman
Question: Every picture I’ve seen of Jesus has Him wearing a loin cloth. On the other hand, all of the sources I’ve read state that the Romans crucified criminals and others totally naked. In light of this, was Jesus naked or not when He was crucified?
Answer: Again and again we have heard and read that Jesus was naked when He hung on the cross for our sins.  Have you read this yourself?  Why then do artists’ renderings of the crucifixion always have Him wearing a loincloth? Have they portrayed Jesus in this way to preserve His modesty—or for some other reason?

Scriptural Evidence

We want to comment on this question briefly but, before we do this, let’s notice an incident that may have included Christ’s being stripped of His clothes—or much of his clothes.
Recently, a preacher said that Jesus was naked when the solders took His garment off and placed the “scarlet robe” on Him. The text states that the “stripped” Jesus to do this (Matthew 27:27-28).  This “stripping” also must have occurred before Jesus was scourged by the Roman soldiers (cf. Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; John 19:1). As Lenski says, “”Stripped of clothes, the body was bent forward across a low pillar and the back was stretched and exposed to the blows”” (Matthew, p. 1098). However, “stripped” does not necessarily mean every bit of His clothes. Peter was also “stripped” for work in John 21:7 ( showthread.php?t=21625). ““It is unlikely that Simon Peter was working completely in the nude. After all, there’s a lot of sharp stuff on a fishing boat (ouch!). But a man wearing only a loincloth was until very recently considered to be naked”” (Ibid.).

The Crucifixion

But let’’s discuss the crucifixion itself.  Some say that our Lord was naked while others suggest that He was covered.  ““It is not clear if Jesus was left totally naked or allowed some kind of covering over his private parts”” (Craig L. Blomberg, The New American Commentary: Matthew, p. 416). MacArthur thinks that Jesus was  “stripped naked” (Study Bible on John 19:18; Albert Barnes, comment on Matthew 27:35; Barnes Notes). The ESV Study Bible also takes this view: “”Crucifixion, performed naked and in public, and inflicting prolonged pain on the victim, was intended to cause shame as well as death”(comment on Hebrews 12:2). Lenski, however, believes that the “shame” in Hebrews 12:2 refers to the cross itself, —“the shame of dying the death of a criminal who was accounted as accursed by God by his executioners” (Hebrews, comment on Hebrews 12:2).
Most of the sources we’’ve read do point out that the common and expected form of crucifixion by the Romans involved total nakedness.  Contemporary writings that describe crucifixion state that the victim was naked as he was hanging on the cross. Thus, it seems clear that generally a Roman crucifixion involved total nakedness.

A Jewish Concession?

But this is not the only consideration here.  There is some indication that the situation may have been different for our Lord. For example, the writers Edwards, Gabel, and Hosmer have written: ““He [the crucified person] was usually naked, unless this was prohibited by local customs.”” (“On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ,” Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol. 255. No. 11. 21 March 1986. 1459.). Although Roman crucifixion involved total nakedness, some (perhaps the minority) scholars suggest that in consideration for the Jews, Roman executioners would allow a loin cloth. Consider this quotation:
There is little question that the standard procedure under Roman rule in the 1st century was to crucify persons completely nude. The Roman historian Siculus (1 century BC) gave a graphic account that describes this aspect of the overall crucifixion process (Histories, 33.15). Seneca, who lived during the 1st century, described some unspeakably horrific things that some executioners did to their victims that could only occur by exploiting one’s nakedness (Dialogue, 6).
The Mishnah indicates that opinions among Jewish authorities were divided as to whether or not people should be stoned and “hung” naked (which often went together), or with just enough of a covering to provide a minimal amount of modesty (Sanhedrin, 6.4, 5). ( were-those-crucified-1st -cent-naked-69863/).
Broadus points out that ““the person of one stripped when about to be stoned should not be left wholly exposed; and though the Roman custom for crucifixion was otherwise, we may perhaps suppose that Jewish feeling was in this case regarded”” (Commentary on Matthew, comment on Matthew 27:35). Another source tells us: “The crucified man was tortured and demeaned in every possible way. Throughout the Roman world, men were crucified naked – though this may not have been the case when Jesus died. Jewish laws stipulated that if a man was stoned to death he must be allowed to wear a loincloth. Did the Romans respect Jewish law when Jesus was crucified, and allow him to wear a loincloth? There is no way of knowing”” (
William Lane also thinks that Jewish custom allowed for a loincloth on the condemned Jesus: “Men were ordinarily crucified naked (Artemidorus II. 61). Jewish sensitivities, however, dictated that men ought not to be publicly executed completely naked, and men condemned to stoning were permitted a loin-cloth (M. Sanhedrin VI. 3). Whether the Romans were considerate of Jewish feelings in this matter is unknown.” (The Gospel According to Mark, comment at Mark 15:24).
Eidersheim, the historian, is of the opinion that the Romans would have allowed a concession on the part of the Jews to allow some covering for the crucified:
At a distance of six feet from the place of execution the criminal was undressed, only the covering absolutely necessary for decency being left. In the case of Jesus we have reason to think that, while the mode of punishment to which He was subjected was un-Jewish, every concession would be made to Jewish custom, and hence we thankfully believe that on the Cross He was spared the indignity of exposure. Such would have been truly un-Jewish. ( books/life_times_ edersheim_book5.pdf).
Some object to such a concession for Jesus by saying that the Jews wanted Jesus shamed as much as possible so even their general sense of modesty that would require a loin cloth was dismissed in light of their hatred of Jesus. We also must realize that Jesus was not the only Jew killed that day; apparently the two criminals who were also crucified must have also been Jewish. Were they also permitted a different form of crucifixion?

Other Evidence

However, in spite of this, I think that there may have been other evidence in favor of Jesus not being fully naked.  The Gospel writers say that Jesus’’ mother and other women were at the cross and viewing this horrible scene. Matthew says that “many women were there looking on from a distance” and this included “Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee” (27:55-56; see also Mark 15:40-41; John 19:25). Even though this speaks of the women being at a “distance,” John 19:26-27 adds to the description. Here we find Jesus speaking directly to Mary, His mother, and also speaking to John about His mother. They must have been in Jesus’ immediate presence. We think that this suggests that Christ wore a modicum of garments on the cross.
Because of the Jewish sense of modesty and probably especially Christ’s own emphasis on modesty, we suggest that God may have providentially provided at least a minimum of clothing such a loin cloth to cover our Savior’’s bleeding body. We do know that the soldiers divided four parts of Jesus’ clothes and gambled for His tunic (John 19:23-24), but presumably His loin cloth would have still been available for His own use.
We realize that we must be careful that we don’t practice eisegesis, a reading into the text because of a preconceived desire to preserve Jesus’’ modesty. Thus, the answer is not totally sure. However, we suggest that some evidence does point to the allowance of Jesus and other Jews in wearing something like a loin cloth at the cross.
Because of this, we don’t think that most (all?) artists are wrong in portraying Jesus partially clothed as He hung on the cross. Although we don’’t approve of pictures of our Lord at all (see articles discussing this under “Jesus Christ” in the Biblical Subjects section), we do think that it is better to portray the Lord as partially covered rather than naked.
What do you think?