Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rashid Hayat Program Question 182 Johana Zakarya


يـــا سبحان الله ! دقة متناهية  

عظمة الله في يد الانسان..لو كنت تراها أول مرة اضغط لايك وقل سبحان الله

The bone is the begining, Idiot.



Your Jesus is Fairy Tail nonsense

When the baby as fetus exist it has human body shape and not piece of meet as Rashid the idiot says and attacks Islam. The shape of the body the skull, arms, hands, fingers, legs and toes all are formed based on bones been developed.

Stupid Hateful Rashid contends that according to Islam or Quraan if a fetus is aborted it well be a skeleton, This is stupid. First of all this aborted fetus few month old will have the shape of humans like us the same as elephant fetus will have the shape of elephant, the same as camel, horse or have you. All these shapes are based on the bones been structured and in the mean time there will be attached to it muscle and meat structure. So there will be no pure skeleton as years after a human dies.

Idiot Rashid exclaims why Muhamed did not explain to Quraish about the bone cells? cells idiot? Did your Jesus know any thing about H2O and the Carbon atoms when he made wine out of water?

Why Johana stopped drinking alcohol after accepting Jesus as his God? Did Jesus prohibit that? Did not he made wine? Did actually the Quraan prohibit alcohol? Khamr? Why he did not follow the Qurran instruction?

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